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Hypertensive retinopathy

Hypertensive retinopathy is damage to the retina due to high blood pressure (i.e. hypertension). more...

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The retina is one of the "target organs" that are damaged by sustained hypertension. Subjected to excessively high blood pressure over prolonged time, the small blood vessels that involve the eye are damaged, thickening, bulging and leaking.

Early signs of retinopathy correlate less well with mortality and morbidity that used to be thought, but signs of accelerated or "malignant" hypertension indicate severe illness.


Most patients with hypertensive retinopathy present without visual symptoms, however, some may report decreased vision or headaches.


Signs of damage to the retina caused by hypertension include:

  • Arteriosclerotic changes
    • Arteriolar narrowing that is almost always bilateral
      • Grade I - 3/4 normal caliber
      • Grade II - 1/2 normal caliber
      • Grade III - 1/3 normal caliber
      • Grade IV - thread-like or invisible
    • Arterio-venous crossing changes (aka "AV nicking) with venous constriction and banking
    • Arteriolar color changes
      • Copper wire arterioles are those arterioles in which the central light reflex occupies most of the width.
      • Silver wire arterioles are those in which the central light reflex occupies all of the width of the arteriole.
    • Vessel sclerosis
  • Ischemic changes (e.g. "cotton wool spots")
  • Hemorrhages, often flame shaped.
  • Edema
    • Ring of exudates around the retina called a "macular star"
  • Papilledema, or optic disc edema, in patients with malignant hypertension
  • Visual acuity loss, typically due to macular involvement


  • Fluorescein angiography
  • Ophthalmoscopy
  • Sphygmomanometry

Treatment and management

A major aim of treatment is to prevent, limit, or reverse such target organ damage by lowering the patient's high blood pressure. The eye is an organ where damage is easily visible at an early stage, so regular eye examinations are important.


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Plasma concentrations of atrial and brain natriuretic peptides in a case with hypertensive encephalopathy
From Neurological Research, 9/1/02 by Nakagawa, Kazuhiko

Hemodynamic mechanism for brain edema formation in patients with hypertensive encephalopathy is unclear. Potential roles of natriuretic peptides in the pathogenesis of hypertensive encephalopathy are discussed. A 32-year-old man presented with slight left hemiparesis. He was slightly confused, and his blood pressure was extremely high. Cranial plain computerized tomography scans revealed diffuse brain edema mainly in the supratentorial white matter region. Blood examination revealed that plasma concentrations of atrial and brain natriuretic peptides were significantly high. His left hemiparesis disappeared within a day, but he tended to be agitated. His altered mental status, however, resolved with control of blood pressure. Serial magnetic resonance imagings demonstrated that the magnitude of brain edema was attenuated in proportion to decline in plasma concentrations of natriuretic peptides. This case suggests that significant elevation of plasma concentrations of natriuretic peptides may contribute to an acute rise in blood pressure, and that these peptides potentially play an important role in development of brain edema in hypertensive encephalopathy. (Neurol Res 2002; 24: 627-630]

Keywords: Atrial and brain natriuretic peptide; brain edema; hypertensive encephalopathy


Hypertensive encephalopathy (HE) is categorized as one of the most fulminant forms of hypertensive crisis1,2. Radiological imagings sometimes reveal diffuse or multifocal brain edema mainly in the subcortical white matter region3,4. Clinical manifestations usually resolve with prompt and adequate treatment of hypertension3,4.

The pathogenesis of brain edema development in HE has been ascribed to a breakthrough of autoregulation with resultant disruption of blood-brain barrier (BBB)3,4. An abrupt and sustained rise in blood pressure is considered to be an initiating step for brain edema formation. The hemodynamic mechanism, however, for an acute elevation of blood pressure remains to be elucidated.

Atrial and brain natriuretic peptides (ANP and BNP) are cardiovascular regulatory hormones mainly of cardiac origin5. Here we report a case of HE that could be followed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), simultaneously with serial measurement of plasma concentrations of ANP and BNP. This case suggests a possible involvement of natriuretic peptides in brain edema formation in HE.


A 32-year-old obese man was transferred to our hospital complaining of unstable gait on November 18, 1999. He had noticed mild peripheral edema and headache about 2 months before admission. His state of consciousness was slightly confused, and neurological examinations revealed slight left hemiparesis. Blood pressure at admission was 254/145 mmHg, and body temperature was 36.8deg.C. Heart rate was 128 beats per minute with regular sinus rhythm. He had a history of hypertension, which had been left untreated. An ophthalmologic examination revealed severe hypertensive retinopathy, but his visual acuity was normal. Cranial plain computerized tomography scans demonstrated diffuse low density area mainly in the supratentorial white matter, suggestive of edema. No abnormal enhancement was revealed. Findings of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination were within normal ranges, except for an elevated CSF pressure of 290 mmH^sub 2^O. Cerebral angiography demonstrated no apparent abnormalities. Echocardiogram performed at admission demonstrated severe concentric left ventricular hypertrophy (anterior wall thickness: 26 mm). Ejection fraction was 55%, suggestive of modestly lowered cardiac output. The cardiac wall motion was not disturbed. Main laboratory findings at admission were as follows (parenthesis shows the normal range); hematocrit: 0.53 (0.4-0.52), creatinine: 248.0 nmol I^sup -1^ (70.8-115.0), sodium: 138 mmol l^sup -1^ (135-145), potassium: 3.4 mmol l^sup -1^ (3.5-5.0), active renin concentration: 85.6 pg ml-l^sup -1^ (2.5-21.4), aldosterone: 19.7 nmol I^sup -1^ (3.6-24.0), ANP: 102.3 pmol l^sup -1^ (

MRI obtained the next day exhibited extensive hyperintensity in supratentorial white matter region, brainstem, and partial hyperintensity in left cerebellar hemisphere on T2-weighted image (Figure 1). After admission, he was given anti hypertensive medications, and his left hemiparesis disappeared within a day, although he tended to be agitated in the following course. His blood pressure became almost stabilized at the level of approximately 120-140/80-90 mmHg within a few weeks, and an altered mental status resolved with control of hypertension.

Serial MRI scans demonstrated decrease in signal intensity on T2-weighted image (Figure 2). After stabilization of blood pressure, his clinical course was uneventful, and he was discharged on December 28, 1999. MRI scans followed about three months after his discharge confirmed disappearance of edema. Followup plasma concentrations of natriuretic peptides measured on December 2, 1999, December 27, 1999, and March 28, 2000 were 29.5 pmol l^sup -1^, 30.6 pmol I^sup -1^, and 7.2 pmol l^sup -1^, respectively, for ANP, and 252.7 pmol l^sup -1^, 148.4 pmol l^sup -1^, and 45.2 pmol l^sup -1^, respectively, for BNP. These results indicated that plasma concentration of ANP became normalized, while that of BNP remained slightly elevated.


There have been a number of previous investigations regarding hemodynamic, renal, and endocrine effects of infused ANP and BNP in patients with essential hypertension or congestive heart failure as well as in normal subjects6-8. These studies commonly indicated that one of the most striking effects of natriuretic peptides is natriuresis and diuresis. An excessive sodium intake with resultant plasma fluid retention leads to an increase in cardiac pre-load, and consequently stimulates production and release of natriuretic peptides from card iomyocytes5,9. ANP and BNP increase sodium and water excretion by enhancing glomerular filtration rate and by inhibition of tubular sodium reabsorption-5-9. In addition, these peptides reportedly attenuate vascular resistance in microcirculations by reducing sympathetic nerve stimuli and counteracting renin-angiotensin system (RAS), and shift intravascular fluid into extravascular compartment by increasing endothelial permeability5,6,8. Hence, in an early stage of hypertension, these functions contribute to a reduction of cardiac preload. However, prolonged sodium and water retention that is often accompanied by secondary renal dysfunction would lead to further increase in plasma volume, and may exacerbate cardiac performance. If the heart is exhausted, cardiac output is lowered, and eventually the heart may fail9. In this case, however, the cardiac contractility was preserved by an increased cardiac wall thickness, which may contribute to further increase in generation and release of natriuretic peptides. This may explain significantly high concentrations of these peptides.

In this case, daily urine volume and sodium excretion were relatively maintained. In addition, presence of peripheral edema, sinus tachycardia, and high hematocrit level suggest contraction in plasma fluid. Therefore, it is speculated that significant levels of ANP and BNP contribute to a reduction of cardiac overload by withdrawing intravascular fluid into urination and extravascular space5,6,8,9.

A sudden and sustained rise in blood pressure is a necessary initiating step for development of hypertensive crisis. Some considerations will be required concerning the initial high blood pressure in this patient, despite a modestly compromised cardiac performance. The patient also was considered to be rather hypovolemic. These evidences mean a critical increase in peripheral vessel resistance. In an established hypertension, increase in peripheral vascular resistance usually is brought by functional and structural alterations of blood vessel walls, mediated by sympathetic nervous activation, actions of vasoconstrictive substances such as angiotensin-II, endothelial dysfunctions, and hypovolemia1,2,10. In this patient, considering the normal urine excretion of VMA, it seems unlikely that sympathetic nerves were excessively activated. Although plasma angiotensin-II concentration was not measured in this case, it would be elevated because of high active renin concentration. As mentioned above, ANP and BNP could contribute to reduction in intravascular volume. Increased interstitial volume and pressure may be another contributor to an augmented peripheral vascular resistance9.

In an established phase of hypertension complicated by lowered cardiac output, redistribution of organ blood flow usually occurs with the brain and heart receiving a higher proportion11. Such a condition may permit a critical elevation of cerebral blood flow caused by an abrupt and sustained rise in blood pressure.

There remain some questions to be discussed. First, in the present case, the magnitude of increase in plasma BNP concentration at admission was much greater than that of plasma ANP. Plasma BNP concentration is usually less than plasma ANP concentration in healthy men12. Plasma BNP level, however, markedly rises in patients with congestive heart failure paralleled to its severity and exceeds the plasma ANP concentration in severe cases12,13. In addition, plasma half-life period of BNP is longer than that of ANP14, which may account for sustained elevation of plasma BNP level. Second, it remains obscure whether natriuretic peptides directly could participate in brain edema formation prior to the clinical manifestation of HE. In this patient, the magnitude of brain edema detected by MRI decreased in proportion to decline in plasma concentrations of natriuretic peptides. ANP and BNP occupy natriuretic A receptor on endothelial cells to increase cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) generation5. Substantial evidences demonstrated that ANP could affect brain microvessel endothelial functions and that could promote BBB permeability14-19. Synergistic effect of angiotensin-II has been reported on the increase in cGMP evoked by ANP20. Furthermore, ANP has been reported to reduce the large cerebral blood vessel resistance20,21 Taken together, we cannot entirely exclude the possibility that natriuretic peptides directly accelerate BBB permeability. However, given the fact that brain edema rarely develops in patients with congestive heart failure revealing significantly high plasma levels of ANP and BNP, it appears unlikely that BBB disruption is caused primarily by direct effects of natriuretic peptides, and so, brain edema formation is unlikely to precede a critical rise in blood pressure. An acute and sustained rise in blood pressure should be a primary cause for brain edema formation. Third, our case showed diffuse brain edema formation. Previous studies reported that distribution of brain edema is predominant in areas of the posterior circulation 3,4. The exact reason for that remains poorly understood, but a paucity of vascular sympathetic innervation of the posterior circulation may account for such an anatomical predilection 4,22. Taking that natriuretic peptides have a potential role in increase in BBB permeability, the possibility still may exist that significant levels of natriuretic peptides enhance susceptibility to edema development initiated by an acute and continuous blood pressure elevation. This might explain diffuse edema distribution in this patient.

We cannot draw a substantial conclusion only from such a single case evaluation. Natriuretic peptides, however, in conjunction with RAS, potentially play an important role in occurrence and progression of HE. Hemodynamic assessment with collection of more cases will serve to gain more understanding of this entity.


We greatly thank Dr Hiroshi Nagura, Departnent of Neurology, Tokyo Met;pon Institute of Gerontology, for helpful advice in the diagnosis of his of this case.


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Kazuhiko Nakagawa*, Takekane Yamaguchi*, Mitsuru Seida*, Youji Tanaka^^ and Maki Yoshino^

*Department of Neurosurgery, ^Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Metropolitan Toshima Hospital, Tokyo ^^Department of Neurosurgery, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan

Correspondence and reprint requests to: Kazuhiko Nakagawa, MD, Department of Neurosurgery, Tokyo Metropolitan Toshima Hospital, 33-1, Sakae-Chou, Itabashi-Ku, Tokyo 173-0015, Japan. [] Accepted for publication March 2002.

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