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Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis is a rare chronic, progressive encephalitis that affects primarily children and young adults, caused by the measles virus. more...

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Characterized by a history of primary measles infection before the age of 2 years, followed by several asymptomatic years, and then gradual, progressive psychoneurological deterioration, consisting of personality change, seizures, myoclonus, ataxia, photosensitivity, ocular abnormalities, spasticity, and coma.


Characteristic periodic activity is seen on EEG; pathologically, the white matter of both the hemispheres and brainstem are affected, as well as the cerebral cortex, and eosinophilic inclusion bodies are present in the cytoplasm nuclei of neurons and glial cells.


Death usually occurs within 3 years.


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Universal Oral Vaccine: The Immune Milk Saga Part 2 - colostrum
From Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, 8/1/01 by Anthony Di Fabio

Scope of Protection

As already stated, appropriate scientific studies carried out in the early '60s found promising success. They included rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatic fever, and pollen allergies. Subsequent research has expanded this list considerably, including drying up some cancerous tumors.

According to Herbert Edwin Struss, PhD, one unpublished report showed "spectacular" survival rates for small children from a poverty area in Mexico who were treated against colon bacteria with this method by cooperating Mexican physicians.

As a general principle, this method of preparing disease-specific colostrum will transfer adaptive immunity safely against any allergen or antigen -- any substance which, when introduced into the body, creates antibodies (such as allergenic pollens, house dust, animal hairs, or microorganism proteins). For allergy prevention, one can use a mixture of hair (cats, dogs, cattle), making a bovine cistern-injectable vaccine. Other allergens, like pollens, can also be introduced into the cow's cistern resulting in colostrum that has the beneficial effects of developing resistance to the antigens that produce the allergies.

Experimental studies in the patents listed in the references attached include: "bacteria, viruses, proteins, animal tissue, plant tissue, spermatozoa, rickettsia, metazoan parasites, mycotic molds, fungi, pollens, dust and similar substances...exemplary antigens include: bacterial -- Salmonella pullorum, Salmonella typhi, Salmonella parathypi, Staphylococcus, aureus, a Streptoccous agalactiae, g Streptococcus agalactiae, Staphyloccus albus, Staphylococcus pyogenes, E. Coli, pneumococci, streptococci, and the like; viral -- influenza type A, fowl pox, turkey pox, herpes simplex and the like; protein -- egg albumin and the like; tissue -- blood and sperm."

In an experiment using immune milk conducted at Notre Dame University's Lobund Institute, Impro Products, Inc. substances reduced tooth decay in laboratory animals as much as 87%. (Although bacteria are usually blamed, the work of dentist Dr. Trevor Lyons clearly demonstrates a synergism between protozoans and bacteria, and the devastating effects of certain protozoans. [5])

Trial mammals protected according to various immune milk patents were mice, cows, goats, chickens and pigs.

The immune milk method is also good for chickenpox, cold sores, genital herpes, Cryptocides sporidium, and for anti-inflammatory conditions, as it is heavy with complement (C3B) and anticomplement, substances that assist in the destruction of invasive organisms.

Other Sources than Immune Milk

Although not as economical or as easy to obtain as bovine or goat colostrum, the same disease-specific antibody and complement can also be obtained from other sources than colostrum. For example: (1) donors with high (cell-mediated) immunity to known antigens (cloning); (2) from human placentas, and (3) the spleen from immunized pigs or ducks, or even from humans who have good (cell-mediated) immunity to the relevant antigens.

Because these substances -- called "transfer factors" -- are so cheap, widespread, and easy to use, various countries outside of the United States use it, including China, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Poland, and Hungary. In Japan, the only high-wage country where it is used, 40 Red Cross Centers provide transfer factor produced from pooled leukocytes (white blood cells) of normal healthy donors to 400 hospitals for use in a wide variety of conditions.

(Use of transfer factor does not cause hepatitis, but is effective against hepatitis, does not cause AIDS, and may be helpful in some of the diseases associated with AIDS.)

There are many particles that can transfer immunity. Subsequently confirmed by other scientists -- in reporting on membrane filtered (dialyzable) white blood cells (leukocytes) to obtain "transfer-factors" -- they found that transfer of immunity had taken place in the following conditions: [26-27]

1. Familial T-lymphocyte dysfunction with severe recurrent infection (white cell dysfunction)

2. Herpes infection (viral)

3. Cytomegalovirus infection (viral)

4. Candidiasis (yeast/fungus)

5. Parasitic infection (e.g., pneumocystis carinae, cryptosporidiosis, etc.)

6. Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection refractory to antibiotics

7. Behcet's syndrome (skin condition/arthritis)

8. Lupus erythematosus

9. Pemphigus vegetans (skin disease)

10. Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome (immune deficiency disease with decreased blood platelets and skin rash)

11. Florence Nightingale Disease (aka Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome)

12. Bone metastases after surgical removal of breast cancer

13. Bone metastases after surgical removal of kidney cancer

14. Guillian Barre (disturbance of two or more nerves, after viral or mycoplasma infection)

15. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease; one subset)

16. Retinitis Pigmentosa (inflamed retina: one subset, 50%; Dialyzable Leucocyte Extract-Transfer Factor -- filtered through a membrane -- does not reverse the disease but prevents additional visual loss)

Also reported by Fudenberg and Pizza, [25-27] but not yet confirmed by others were:

1. Mycobacterium fortuitum infection (mycoplasma)

2. Mycobacterium avian infection (mycoplasma)

3. Alopecia totalis (hair loss over entire body)

4. Alzheimer's disease (one subset)

5. Autism (one subset, 70%)

6. Osteosarcoma (prevented metastases to lungs)

7. Epidermal dysplasia (multiple skin malignancies)

8. Certain food and chemical hypersensitivities

9. Burkitt's lymphoma, etc. (B-cell malignancy)

Reported by other than Fudenberg and Pizza [25-27] were:

1. Lepromatous leprosy

2. Leishmaniasis (parasite affecting skin, nasal cavity and pharnyx)

3. Rat diabetes (Type I-immunologic) (trials in humans not yet reported, 1993)

4. Myasthenia gravis (great muscular weakness)

5. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (slow virus disease, affecting thinking and movement)

6. Atopic dermatitis (skin)

7. Bronchial asthma (lungs)

8. Recurrent otitis media (ears)

9. Varicella (virus)

10. Hepatitis B -- acute and chronic (virus)

11. Brucella (bacteria affecting humans and other mammals)

12. Asthma

13. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (cancer)

14. Stomach carcinoma (cancer)

15. Colon carcinoma (cancer)

16. Non-small cell lung carcinoma (cancer)

17. Spontaneous abortions

According to H. Hugh Fudenberg and Pizza, [26] "The potential for bovine colostrum-transfer factor treatment of human diseases is fantastic since one can obtain so much more [transfer factor] extract at little cost."

Patents obtained by Stolle Milk Biologics International, as well as their present commercial partnership with the New Zealand Dairy Board also demonstrates that bovine intramuscular innoculations can result in a whey product containing the desired antibodies and complement.

So, clearly, there are many sources and paths to obtain the desired immunity factors that can be used sublingually or orally.

Early Clinical Trials

In the late sixties, Herbert Struss, PhD, working with the Borden Company of New York City, held a FDA IND (Investigational New Drug) authority for studying the use of bovine derived "Specific Serum Protein Capsules." Using 10 strains of Streptococcus, 2 strains of Staphyloccocus and 1 strain of Diplococcus in properly prepared cows, these lyophilized (freeze dried) serum proteins derived from colostrum were prepared in 250 mg capsules, and contained the gamma globulin fraction (protein in blood which helps resist disease) of the antibodies and immunity which enabled 70% of the Rheumatoid Arthritis victims to overcome the disease or receive marked benefit, once again demonstrating a close relationship between an infectious microorganism and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Cyril M. Smith, MD, conducted a sample survey of 199 persons who used antibodies produced by cows in the treatment of arthritis symptoms. Smith reported that antibodies were successful in 56.8% of cases reported. This improvement occurred within 3 months. (The greatest improvement was noted between the second and fourth weeks. However, in some cases it required more than 6 weeks before a marked improvement was noticed.)

Twenty-three percent who found relief from symptoms while taking antibodies experienced an increase in pain prior to their improvement. This "increase in pain" was most likely the Herxheimer Effect as summarized by Dr. Paul K. Pybus. [30] The great majority of the persons who experienced pain made marked improvement.

Herxheimer postulated that whenever an organism more complex than a simple bacteria was killed inside the human body, then flu-like symptoms -- the Herxheimer Effect -- occurred. This effect is also called "Lucio's Phenomena" in Leprosy treatment and "The Die-Off Effect" in candidiasis treatment. Some practitioners call it the "Healing Effect."

It's extremely remarkable that such a high percentage of cure rates would occur using only a fraction (Staphyloccocus, Streptococcus, Diplococcus) of the suspected multitudes of microorganisms related to arthritis! Based on presumption of totally different organisms than those used to develop arthritis-specific antibodies and complement, both Roger Wyburn-Mason, MD, PhD (protozoas) and Thomas McPherson Brown, MD (mycoplasma) -- and their practitioner followers -- have achieved higher rates of cures, especially when proper diet and consideration for candidiasis and food allergies are also included in the treatment protocols. [41]

A brief summary of uses for immune milk follow:

Uses In Animals

* Bovine...extract-transfer factor made against the parasite coccidioides protects not only cows but also mice from an LD 90 dose (the dose necessary to kill 90% of a population). Bovine dialyzable (filtered) leucocyte (white cell) extract devoid of transfer factor has no protective effect;

* Bovine antigen-specific transfer factor is effective in treatment of human herpes infections;

* Bovine created for nematodes, Haemonchus contortus, Tricho-strongylus axei infections is effective in sheep;

* Bovine... extract, from both lymph nodes and colostrum, against virus and parasitic diseases, have been used in dogs (canine parvovirus), pigs (swine transmissible pharynogeolaryngeotrache-itis), chickens (bursal disease, Newcastle's Disease, and other viral diseases);

* Coccidioides destroys $250 million per year of prize cattle in Texas. Lymph Node Leukocyte (white cell) Extract (with Transfer Factor) can protect cattle against this infection, and also prevents mastitis in cows, and death from infection in newborn calves;

* Horse dialyzable (filtered) leucocyte (white cell) extract is effective against rheumatism in horses.

Human Uses

* Bovine dialyzable (filtered) leucocyte (white cell) extract (with transfer factor) has been given repeatedly to humans without adverse reaction;

* Eradicated cryptosporidiosis in humans with diarrhea;

* Coccidioides derived transfer factor, eradicated diarrhea and eliminated ova and parasites from stools;

* Being used on 6,000,000 people in China to prevent acute and chronic infectious hepatitis;

* Many other conditions, as previously mentioned.

Colostrum Pitfalls

In most health food stores you'll find a product called "colostrum," often touted for its ability to "strengthen the immune system."

It's quite possible that a particular batch or manufacturer has produced colostrum that has beneficial effects in the strengthening of the immune system. It contains, after all, a multiplicity of important immune "transfer factors" common to all mammals.

And -- it's even possible that a particular batch of colostrum will favorably affect the course of an allergic reaction to an allergen (pollen-based) or disease from an antigen (microorganism-based).

But -- unless the manufacturer has injected into the cow's cistern dead microorganisms specific to your disease (or allergens), the expectation of the cow's naturally derived antibodies and complement matching those that you must have to counteract a particular dysfunction, is considerably less than the probability of one powerball ticket winning a $40,000,000 jackpot. Keep in mind that the cow will only have immunity factors related to the antigens to which it has been exposed -- and most modern dairies isolate their cows from most humans, thus preventing the nice, comfy farm ecological relationship once known to us.

Then, too, the odds increase the farther away one is from fresh, unpasteurized, whole colostrum! -- except for a handful of "immune milk" companies who have applied modern technology in preserving most of the active ingredients in a dry powder or liquid form for use by all farm animals.

Many of these desirable immune factors can be purchased for protection of farm animals, but not for humans! Even so, the likelihood of getting the right product for you at the health food store, prepared and preserved in the right way, is so remote as to be inconsequential.

There are exceptions which we'll mention shortly.

The 80 or so rheumatoid diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, for example, are caused by many factors among which are nutritional, genetic predisposition, hormonal, mercury/ nickel poisoning; herbicides and pesticides, toxic bowels, foci of infection and microorganism-based antigen/ antibody immuno-complexes which are not easily swept out by a clogged up lymph system. Most standard colostrum preparations for rheumatoid arthritis are based on injections of staphyloccus and streptococcus antigens. We know that many organisms, such as mycoplasms, corneybacteria, klebsiella, candida and others can be the antigenic stimulation in the human that results in the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. [41]

On a hit or miss basis, then, if you happen to be a person suffering from a tissue sensitivity to staphylococcus and/ or streptococcus, and you're also suffering from an overwhelming invasion of staphylococcus and/or streptococcus, and you happen to buy colostrum containing antibodies and complement resulting from the effects of these two organisms as developed in the cow's cistern, and the material you've purchased is still strong and active, then you might very well respond favorably to this particular colostrum.

But if your arthritis stems from a mycoplasm, corneybacteria, candida or klebsiella (among many other possible microorganisms), you're just out of luck. "It didn't work!" you'd report to your friends, and the overall idea of using colostrum would be invalidated for you and your friends.

So, as you learn about the miracle of colostrum, don't run out to the health food store and buy colostrum with the expectation of solving your health problems!

There is the need for specificity of allergen or antigen introduced in the right way, at the right time, with colostrum collected and preserved correctly, and administered properly, before this universal vaccine will work for you.

By the way, colostrum prepared and used properly has little to do with whether cow or goat milk is good or bad for you. Indeed, one of the allergies that the right colostrum can solve is that of allergic reactions to milk!

Next issue Part 3: How to Obtain Properly Prepared Colostrum: The Simplest Procedure


Anthony di Fabio, The Arthritis Trust

7376 Walker Road

Fairview, Tennessee 37062 USA


COPYRIGHT 2001 The Townsend Letter Group
COPYRIGHT 2001 Gale Group

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