Beldin is a fictional character in David Eddings' fantasy books The Belgariad and The Malloreon. more...
He is a deformed dwarf with a filthy temper (as Polgara states "He hates his deformed body, so he ignores it"). However, his outside appearance and temperament hides an incredibly intelligent mind, and a great eye for beauty. His original name was Din: the "Bel" prefix was added when he became one of the disciples of Aldur. His favorite animal form is that of a blue-banded hawk. He is very good friends with Belgarath, although the two argue frequently (however, it is mentioned in The Belgariad that they both enjoy these arguments tremendously). At the end of The Malloreon, he (probably permanently, although this is not specifically stated) turned himself and a Nadrak dancer who fell in love with him into birds, and flew away with her. The girl's name is Vella, a nadrak girl he bought from Silk's partner Yarblek
When Beldin stumbled upon the Vale of Aldur, he had already learnt the art of sorcery, a fact that annoyed Belgarath intensely. When Beldin was accepted as a disciple, he built an incredibly beautiful tower, almost as a way to make up for his own uglyness. Although he has an intense dislike for most Angraks, he particularly hates Torak's last disciple Urvon.