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The English suffixes -phobia, -phobic, -phobe (of Greek origin) occur in technical usage in psychiatry to construct words that describe irrational, disabling fear as a mental disorder (e.g., agoraphobia) and in biology to descibe organisms that dislike certain conditions (e.g., acidophobia). In common usage they also form words that describe dislike or hatred of a particular thing or subject. more...

Dandy-Walker syndrome
Darier's disease
Demyelinating disease
Dengue fever
Dental fluorosis
Dentinogenesis imperfecta
Depersonalization disorder
Dermatitis herpetiformis
Dermatographic urticaria
Desmoplastic small round...
Diabetes insipidus
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes, insulin dependent
Diabetic angiopathy
Diabetic nephropathy
Diabetic neuropathy
Diamond Blackfan disease
Diastrophic dysplasia
Dibasic aminoaciduria 2
DiGeorge syndrome
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Dissociative amnesia
Dissociative fugue
Dissociative identity...
Dk phocomelia syndrome
Double outlet right...
Downs Syndrome
Duane syndrome
Dubin-Johnson syndrome
Dubowitz syndrome
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Dupuytren's contracture
Dyskeratosis congenita
Dysplastic nevus syndrome

Many people apply the suffix "-phobia" inappropriately to mild or irrational fears with no serious substance; however, earlier senses relate to psychiatry which studies serious phobias which disable a person's life. For more information on the psychiatric side of this, including how psychiatry groups phobias as "agoraphobia", "social phobia", or "simple phobia", see phobia. Treatment for phobias may include desensitization (graduated exposure therapy) or flooding.

The following lists include words ending in -phobia, and include fears that have acquired names. In many cases people have coined these words as neologisms, and only a few of them occur in the medical literature. In many cases, the naming of phobias has become a word game.

Note too that no things, substances, or even concepts exist which someone, somewhere may not fear, sometimes irrationally so. A list of all possible phobias would run into many thousands and it would require a whole book to include them all, certainly more than an encyclopedia would be able to contain. So this article just gives an idea of the kind of phobias which one may encounter, certainly not all.

Most of these terms tack the suffix -phobia onto a Greek word for the object of the fear (some use a combination of a Latin root with the Greek suffix, which many classicists consider linguistically impure).

In some cases (particularly the less medically-oriented usages), a word ending in -phobia may have an antonym ending in -philia - thus: coprophobia / coprophilia, Germanophobia / Germanophilia.

See also the category:Phobias.

Phobia lists

A large number of "-phobia" lists circulate on the Internet, with words collected from indiscriminate sources, often copying each other.

Some regard any attempt to create a list of phobias as an irrational endeavor because, theoretically, a person could become conditioned to have a fear of anything. Also, a significant number of unscrupulous psychiatric websites exist that at the first glance cover a huge number of phobias, but in fact use a standard text (see an example below) to fit any phobia and reuse it for all unusual phobias by merely changing the name. For a couple of striking examples.

"... Poor performance or grades. Promotions that pass you by. moths phobia will likely cost you tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of your lifetime, let alone the cost to your health and quality of life. Now Moths Phobia can be gone for less than the price of a round-trip airline ticket."
"... The expert phobia team at CTRN's Phobia Clinic is board-certified to help with Russophobia and a variety of related problems. The success rate of our 24 hour program is close to 100%"


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When did the natural world become the enemy?
From Independent, The (London), 2/2/04 by TERENCE BLACKER

The text for today, ladies and gentlemen of the congregation, comes from the parish of Fair Oaks and its vicar, the Rev David Snuggs. There was a tree in the churchyard and, as is traditional, that tree was a large and stately yew, which had been planted in 1864. As from last week, it is a stump, having been felled on the orders of the vicar.

For this yew - in fact, any yew - was a veritable time bomb of personal risk, according to Mr Snuggs. The berries contained poison pips. Children could climb into its branches and fall off. Pensioners might trip over its roots. Its thick trunk and evergreen boughs could provide cover for lurking paedophiles. It was merely a question of which of these many hazards would strike first.

So, before anyone could place a tree preservation order on the yew, the vicar ensured that Fair Oaks was a safer place, with the help of a man with a chainsaw.

There was a row. Mr Snuggs received poison pen letters and anonymous telephone calls. One village ancient asked why, since no one had fallen victim to the yew over the past century, it was deemed to be such a threat now. "We have never had any problems with paedophiles round here and certainly none hiding behind that tree," the lady in the local village shop told reporters. Holding his ground, the vicar cunningly played the kiddie card: "The distress and hassle I'm experiencing now is preferable to taking a child's funeral," he has said.

Here surely is the authentic voice of 21st century officialdom - cautious, self-righteous and, above all, painfully caring. Even if the rest of us carry on as if modern life is not dangerous, particularly to our children, the vicar's Christian conscience demanded that he protect the public from itself.

For all around, The Snuggses of this world believe, there are apparently innocent things that can trip us up, make us ill, take an eye out, kill us. Not only are paedophiles, muggers and rapists waiting around every corner, but nothing in nature, not even a tree that has been associated with worship for centuries, is quite as harmless as it looks.

It is something of a surprise that a man of God can take such a dim view of the Almighty and His works but vicars, it seems, are particularly fearful of the natural world. Not far from where I write this, one of the most beautiful churchyard trees in East Anglia, a cedar of Lebanon, was felled five years ago - again, with shifty expedition and before any protest could be mounted - on the grounds that its mighty trunk might have been rotted by grass cuttings and that it could topple over on to the congregation as they went to church. No rot, needless to say, was discovered after the chainsaw had done its work.

Tempting as it is to see this outbreak of hysterical tree-fear, technically known as dendrophobia, as another symptom of the spiritual crisis within the Church of England, there are signs that the vicars are reflecting a general trend. Public attitudes towards the natural world have of late reflected an odd double-standard.

We are concerned about the environment and yet, at the same time, have begun to see it as something inherently hostile. Weather forecasts have become weirdly melodramatic and alarmist, as if our moderate climate is about to grow angry, change and sweep us all away. The prospect of stronger than usual winds prompts dire warnings of vicious gales. The merest hints of frost or snow are portrayed as harbingers of "Arctic conditions".

All sorts of mammals are now a source of fear and concern. Rats are taking over the world, wild boars are roaming free, foxes are entering gardens to snack on kittens and the faces of babies, badgers are a threat to cattle. Last week, it was revealed to a quaking nation that another species had become so dangerous that they might have to be culled - an average of 15 people a year are killed in car accidents caused by deer.

Worst of all, a grim new peril is taking a grip in south-east Asia: birds. The fact that the number of fatalities caused by avian flu are, on a world scale, microscopic, and that the majority of those who contract it recover, matters little. Such is our new hysteria about nature that grave bulletins about the latest Cambodian child to succumb to it must be carried on the national news.

The Snuggses' view of the natural world as something against which we must defend ourselves at all times can be seen everywhere. It is in the absurd, over-protective four-wheel-drive vehicles that are now fashionable to drive, in the neurotically tidy approach to gardening popularised by Alan Titchmarsh. And now even trees are joining forces with paedophiles to make our lives more dangerous. It is time for an eminent psychologist to put Britain on the couch to discover the cause of this strange and debilitating new neurosis.

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