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Hyaluronan (also called hyaluronic acid or hyaluronate) is a glycosaminoglycan distributed widely throughout connective, epithelial, and neural tissues. It is one of the chief components of the extracellular matrix, contributes significantly to cell proliferation and migration, and may also be involved in the progression of some malignant tumors. more...

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Until the late 1970s, hyaluronan was described as a "goo" molecule, a ubiquitous carbohydrate polymer that comprised the extracellular matrix. For example, hyaluronan is a major component of the extracellular matrix that constitutes synovial fluid. Along with lubricin, it is one of the fluid's main lubricating components. It helps protect joints by increasing the viscosity of the fluid and by making the cartilage between bones more elastic.

While it is found in large numbers in extracellular matrices, hyaluronan also contributes to tissue hydrodynamics, movement and proliferation of cells, and participates in a number of cell surface receptor interactions, notably those including its primary receptor in vivo, CD44. Upregulation of CD44 itself is widely accepted as a marker of cell activation in lymphocytes.

Hyaluronan's contribution to tumor growth may be due to its interaction with CD44. CD44, the chief in vivo hyaluronan receptor, participates in cell adhesion interactions required by tumor cells. Some of the enzymes that break down hyaluronan are known tumor suppressants; paradoxically, the gene for hyaluronidase-2 is an oncogene and promotes tumor growth.


The chemical structure of hyaluronan was determined in the 1950s in the laboratory of Karl Meyer. Hyaluronan is a polymer of disaccharides themselves composed of D-glucuronic acid and D-N-acetylglucosamine, linked together via alternating beta-1,4 and beta-1,3 glycosidic bonds. Polymers of hyaluronan can range in size from 102 to 104 kDa in vivo.

Hyaluronan is energetically stable in part because of the stereochemistry of its component disaccharides. Bulky groups on each sugar molecule are in sterically favored positions while the smaller hydrogens assume the less favorable axial positions.


Hyaluronan is synthesized by a class of integral membrane proteins called hyaluronan synthases, of which vertebrates have three types: HAS1, HAS2, and HAS3. These enzymes lengthen hyaluronan by repeatedly adding glucuronic acid and N-acetylglucosamine to the nascent polysaccharide.


Hyaluronan is degraded by a family of enzymes called hyaluronidases. In humans, there are at least seven types of hyaluronidase-like enzymes, several of which are tumor suppressors. The degradation products of hyaluronan, the oligosaccharides and very low molecular weight hyaluronan, exhibit pro-angiogenic properties.

Medical applications

Hyaluronan is naturally found in many tissues of the body such as skin, cartilage, and the vitreous humor. It is therefore well suited to biomedical applications targeting these tissues. The first hyaluronan biomedical product, Healon, was developed in the 1970s and 1980s and is approved for use in ophthalmic surgery (i.e. corneal transplantation, cataract surgery, glaucoma surgery and retinal attachment surgery). Other biomedical companies also produce brands of hyaluronan for ophthalmic surgery .


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From Medicine and Health Rhode Island, 7/1/04 by Jay, Gregory D

Rheumatologists and orthopaedists have used the intra-articular administration of hyaluronate for several years in the non-operative management of patients with degenerative joint diseases1,2. Because synovial fluid naturally contains hyaluronate at a concentration of 3 mg/ml3 and viscosity is broken down in arthropathies, the notion of restoring synovial fluid with full length2 and cross-linked hyaluronate polymers4,5 seems plausible. Prior to its approval by the Food and Drug Administration (PDA) as a device in 1997, viscosupplementation with hyaluronate polymers was also used in veterinary applications (Hylart-Vet® and Hyvisc®,) for lame joints6 due to episodic traumatic arthritis in race horses. This latter application continues today with great anecdotal success,7 in contrast to the later human applications. Recent reviews8 and meta-analyses9,10 of viscosupplement double-blind placebo controlled trials in controlling pain from osteoarthritis (OA) show divergent results. The therapeutic benefit of these multiple intra-articular injections may be comparable to that of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) over that of acetaminophen.9

Hyalgan®, Artzal®, Suplazyn®, BioHy®, and Orthovisc®, are preparations of high molecular weight hyaluronate polymers. Successive versions of these products from different manufacturers have progressively increased viscosity. Chemically cross-linked hyaluronate monomers, a hylan (Synvisc®), possesses a molecular weight larger than the native synovial hyaluronate polymer. Accordingly, viscosity of hylans exceed normal physiologic synovial viscosity. The presumption here is that a more highly viscous preparation would result in a longer intra-articular residence time and an increased chance of restored synovial homeostasis. The above marginal therapeutic benefit is associated with the fact that placebo groups receiving sham injections also had improvement in pain. Manipulation of the joint via irrigation or injection appears to confound these studies."

Viscosupplementation has its origin in our early understanding of articular lubrication provided by synovial fluid. Hyaluronic acid was thought to add viscoelastic effects to synovial fluid which would be important in enabling hydrodynamic lubrication during periods of fast joint reciprocation. Under these circumstances some of the load from locomotion is borne by wedges of fluid between the articular surfaces. This effect restores 'shock absorber' characteristics to the diseased synovial fluid. Naturally occurring hyaluronate from human umbilical cord and rooster comb were used. Transformation into hyalns was performed by cross-linking hydroxyl groups (Figure 1) creating high molecular weight polymer networks.12

An unintended consequence of meshed polymers is the creation of excluded volume which inhibit small molecule movement. For example, a 0.3 mg/ml solution of cross-linked hyaluronate requires 1 liter of aqueous solvent in order to be fully solvated.1 (Each polymer is touching another.) This concentration is 10 times less than normal synovial hyaluronate concentration. Understandably, injection of 0.3 mg of a viscosupplement into a confined knee joint would have significant effects on the rheological properties of a patient's synovial fluid. Arresting small molecule movement by utilization of all available solvent. Solvation requirements would exclude cytokines and nociceptive mediators from triggering pain while restoring viscoelasticity. In this regard, viscosupplements, as a device, may serve a pseudopharmacologic anti-inflammatory role which is now being investigated.13

Chondroprotection is served by a very different mechanism in synovial fluid. Synovial fluid is present to provide for lubrication of apposed and pressurized cartilaginous surfaces and to also nourish chondrocytes, as these highly specialized cells have no supportive blood supply. Digesting synovial fluid with hyaluronidase results in a non-viscous fluid which continues to lubricate.14 Synovial fluid digested with trypsin results in a viscous fluid which fails to lubricate.15,16 The phenomenon of lubricating in the absence of viscosity is termed boundary lubrication and is a major feature of synovial fluid which is finally the subject of NIH sponsored research.

The modicum of therapeutic value in the intra-articular administration of viscosupplements may be appropriate for those patients unable to tolerate NSAIDs.9 This conclusion was also supported by a medicoeconomic analysis.17 This approach is endorsed by the American College of Rheumatology.18 However, the routine use of these devices in treating OA effectively is not well established because their mechanism of action is unclear. Multiple injections are required and therapeutic value is typically not seen until 3-6 months later, but can last longer than intra-articular steroid administration.19 There have been anecdotal reports20 of local inflammatory reactions at the site of injection, which are transient.21 The overall adverse event rate is 2-4%22 which is typically localized swelling. Utility in joints, other than the knee, is not PDA-approved.23 Rheumatologists and orthopaedists should reserve viscosupplementation for patients with OA on a case by case basis. Appreciating that viscosupplements are not articular lubricants and more likely work as retardants of pro-inflammatory factors24 may assist in this selection process. This effect may be more pronounced as the molecular weight of the hyaluronate is increased.

If this mechanism of action is correct, I would argue that perhaps the wrong patient population has been served. The human joint disease group most closely aligned with race horses are active patients with inflammatory joint conditions25 and not those with advanced OA. Deficient lubricating ability among patients with synovitis stands paradoxically in contrast to synovial fluid aspirated from joints of patients afflicted with OA.26 These former patients demonstrate absent lubricating ability. By contrast, patients with OA have normal lubricating ability. These intriguing observations are partly explained by the fact that the lubricating moiety is produced by superficial zone articular chondrocytes27 and synovial fibroblasts,28,secreting superficial zone protein (SZP) and lubricin respectively. Both are highly homologous protein products of megakaryocyte stimulating factor gene expression.29 Patients with advanced OA undoubtedly may lack superficial zone chondrocytes and yet continue to have normal synovial fluid lubricating ability, suggesting that the synovial fibroblast contribution continues. Disease states such as traumatic synovitis and RA, exemplified by synovial fluid deficient in lubricating ability, have both cell types affected. The histopathologic appearance of traumatic synovitis is similar to RA but less intense and extensive.30 Inflammatory processes can lead to IL-1 expression which in the case of superficial zone articular chondrocytes27, down regulates expression of SZP/lubricin and can ultimately lead to proteolysis. Arresting this process while at the same time restoring some of the mechanical features of synovial fluid (even the viscoelasticity by itself) makes some physiologic sense. The implication is that an unlubricated joint will result in cartilage injury and premature wear, consequently leading to the fibrillation of cartilage and appearance OA.

In summary, viscosupplements can moderate joint pain from OA and should be considered for those patients unable to tolerate NSAIDs or joint replacement surgery. Their mechanism of action is unclear despite approval by the FDA as a device in knee joint osteoarthritis. There is no clinical evidence that hyaluronate injections will facilitate repair of cartilage defects, however animal studies to this effect exist.24 Administering hyaluronate to patients with arthropathies other than OA will require rigorously performed clinical trials, which correct design flaws of past trials.11,31 This is especially relevant to those young patients with either traumatic or inflammatory arthropathies whom are theoretically more likely to benefit from intra-articular hyaluronate. Viscosupplements are not joint lubricants from a biotribological (study of friction and wear) vantage.


Hyaluronic acid (Hyaluronan, HA), is a linear polysaccharide composed of repeating disaccharide units of N-acetyl-glucosamine and D-glucuronic acid. The uronic acid and the amino sugar are linked together by alternating beta-1,4 and beta-1,3 glycosidic bonds. Synvisc®, is a highly viscous preparation of the hyaluronate polymer formed by cross-linked neighboring polymers through hydroxyl groups (circled).


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Dr. Jay's studies are funded by the National Institutes of Health, not by a product manufacturer.

Gregory D. Jay, MD, PhD, is Associate Professor of Medicine and Engineering, Brown Medical School.


Gregory D. Jay, MD, PhD

Medical Simulation Center

One Hoppin St, Suite 106

Providence RI 02903

phone: (401) 444-6237

fax: (401) 444-5456


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