PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy of a county government employee benefits smoking cessation program utilizing counseling and an anticholinergic intramuscular injection.
METHODS: Between January 1 and April 1, 2005 forty-five Sarasota county government employees enrolled in a smoking cessation program utilizing an anticholinergic intramuscular injection comprised of scopolamine and hydroxyzine in conjunction with a dedicated counseling program. Patients were supplied with a educational video and booklet at least one week prior to their office visit. They were also assigned a series of "homework" projects to be accomplished prior to their office visit. On the day of the office visit, they participated in group counseling lead by a physician followed by individual counseling and an intramuscular injection of scopolamine and hydroxyzine followed by 10 days of scopolamine based oral medication. The patients also received telephone counseling by the physician and trained counselors including a psychologist for as long as deemed necessary.
RESULTS: One month success rates were compiled from patient follow up telephone calls and confirmed by independent postcard evaluations returned to the Sarasota county wellness development advisor. At the end of one month, 34 of 45 patients (76%) were still smoke free. This is in concordance with our previously reported data of an 80% success rate using this method. It is also consistent with our unpublished data of over 500 patients which has yielded a 75% 1 month quit rate.
CONCLUSION: A smoking cessation program utilizing an intramuscular injection of scopolamine and hydroxyzine in combination with counseling and close follow up can be extremely effective when added to a governmental employee benefits program.
CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: By October 2005 we will be able to present independently verified 1 month smoking cessation data on over 100 Sarasota county employees as well as six month data on these 45 employees. We will also be able to present safety and efficacy data on over 1000 patients and six month follow up data on over 500 patients treated at our clinic.
DISCLOSURE: Kirk Voelker, Shareholder American Medical Innovations Stop Smoking Clinics; Product/procedure/technique that is considered research and is NOT yet approved for any purpose. Scopolamine and Hydroxazine are not FDA approved for smoking cessation.
Kirk G. Voelker MD * Lung Associates of Sarasota, Sarasota, FL
COPYRIGHT 2005 American College of Chest Physicians
COPYRIGHT 2005 Gale Group