WAGR syndrome
WAGR syndrome (also called WAGR complex) is a rare genetic syndrome in which affected children are predisposed to develop Wilms' tumor (a tumor of the kidneys), Aniridia (absence of the colored part of the eye, the iris), Genitourinary anomalies, and mental Retardation. The G is sometimes instead given as "gonadoblastoma," since the genitourinary anomalies are tumors of the gonads (testes or ovaries). more...
At least two of the four conditions are required in order for a child to be diagnosed with the syndrome. Aniridia is the one feature that is present in all cases of WAGR syndrome (there has only been one documented case in which aniridia was lacking).
WAGR syndrome is caused by a mutation on chromosome 11 in the 11p13 region.
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