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Jacobs syndrome

XYY syndrome is a aneuploidy of the sex chromosomes in which a human male receives an extra Y chromosome in each cell, hence having a karyotype of 47,XYY. XYY syndrome is also called Jacob's Syndrome, XYY-trisomy, 47,XYY aneuploidy, or Supermale syndrome. more...

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First case

The first published report of a man with a 47,XYY chromosome constitution was by Dr. Avery A. Sandberg, et al. of Buffalo, New York in 1961. It was an incidental finding in a normal 44-year-old, 6 ft. tall man of average intelligence.


Physical traits

XYY syndrome typically causes no unusual physical features or medical problems. Males with this syndrome may be slightly taller than average and are typically a few centimeters taller than their father and siblings.

Skeletal malformations may also accompany XYY syndrome at a higher rate than in the general population. Severe facial acne has occasionally been reported, but dermatologists specializing in acne (Plewig & Kligman, 2000) now doubt the existence of a relationship with XYY. Several other physical characteristics, including large hands and feet, have been associated (although not definitively) with XYY syndrome. Any physical characteristics, however, are usually so slight that they are insufficient evidence to suggest a diagnosis.

Most males with XYY syndrome have normal sexual development and are able to conceive children.

Since there are no distinct physical characteristics, the condition usually is only detected during genetic analysis for other reasons.

Behavioral characteristics

XYY boys have an increased risk of minor speech and motor skill delays and learning disabilities with roughly half requiring some special education intervention. Behavior problems are common but are not unique to XYY boys and managed no differently than XY boys.

Cause and prevalence

XYY syndrome is not inherited, but usually occurs as a random event during the formation of sperm cells. An error in cell division called nondisjunction can result in sperm cells with an extra copy of the Y chromosome. If one of these atypical reproductive cells contributes to the genetic makeup of a child, the child will have an extra Y chromosome in each of the body's cells. In some cases, the addition of an extra Y chromosome occurs as an accident during cell division in early fetal development.

The incidence of this condition is approximately one in 850 males.


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Infantile Marfan Syndrome—A 5 Week Old With Unusual Pulmonary Manifestations
From CHEST, 10/1/00 by Sharon Calaman

Sharon Calaman MD, A Jacobs MD, G Crooke MD, A Racine MD, PhD, J Glickstein MD, J Weingarten-Arams MD FCCP--Department of Pediatrics, Divisions of Pediatric Critical Care & Pulmonary Medicine and Cardiology, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Children's Hospital at Montefiore, Bronx, NY

Introduction: Marfan syndrome is a disorder of connective tissue characterized by variable phenotypes and autosomal dominant inheritance with frequent spontaneous mutation. Marfan syndrome involves multiple organs; commonly the skeletal, ocular and cardiovascular systems. However, the pulmonary, skin and integument, and central nervous systems are also involved. Though infrequently diagnosed in the perinatal period, the syndrome carries a very high morbidity and mortality, with infants primarily dying of cardiovascular manifestations.

Case Presentation: A 5 week old infant presented with acute respiratory distress, hepatomegaly, and failure to thrive. She was born at 38 weeks gestation and had physical characteristics consistent with Marfan Syndrome: arachnodactyly, flexion contractures, skin and joint hypermobility, distinctive facies, high arched palate and large floppy ears. Echocardiogram demonstrated dilation of all cardiac chambers; tricuspid and mitral valve prolapse and aortic root effacement. Ophthalmologic exam, chromosomes and urine homocysteine were normal. CXR showed the liver bulging into the right hemithorax. She was discharged but required admission at 5 weeks of age with symptoms of congestive heart failure. On anticongestive therapy, repeat echocardiography demonstrated progression of the tricuspid, mitral, and aortic insufficiency. In addition, an echodense area in the right ventricular outflow tract was seen. Abdominal sonogram showed the superior aspect of the liver bulging into the right hemithorax with appropriate movement with respirations suggestive of eventuation of the diaphragm. The liver appeared to be compressing the right lung and shifting the heart to the left. Her respiratory distress persisted despite control of her cardiac disease and was ascribed to decreased lung volume. MRI was performed to better elucidate the diaphragmatic and cardiac abnormalities. The liver was herniating through the right diaphragm causing compression of the right lung. The cardiac images confirmed previous findings with the mass lesion consistent with a lipoma. At 9 weeks of age she had respiratory failure with RSV and shifting lobar atelectasis requiring intubation and mechanical ventilation. Upon recovery from bronchiolitis she underwent surgical repair of the right diaphragmatic hernia which resulted in normal lung expansion and heart position. She however failed several extubation attempts due to recurrent left lung collapse. She was diagnosed with left main stem bronchomalacia by flexible bronchoscopy and remained on mechanical ventilation. However, she developed recurrent hyperinflation of the right lung with emphysematous changes and mediastinal shift. The tricuspid regurgitation worsened and the frequency of respiratory decompensation increased. At 3 1/2 months of age, with her family at her side, support was withdrawn.

Discussion: Marfan syndrome (MS) is well described in older children and adults, however, it is infrequently diagnosed early in infancy. In the absence of a family history, the requirements for diagnosis include skeletal abnormalities-arachnodactyly, high arched palate and abnormal joint mobility--and manifestations in two or more other organ systems (usually ocular and cardiovascular). Pulmonary findings including spontaneous pneumothorax and apical blebs are uncommon and usually present late in life. Diaphragmatic hernias have also been described. The pathology associated with MS is a defect in fibrillin metabolism. The fibrillin 1 (FBN1) gene on chromosome 15q21.1 has been associated with this pattern of abnormalities. Our patient had many of the cardiac manifestations of MS including aortic root dilatation and aortic insufficiency, mitral regurgitation and severe tricuspid valve prolapse and regurgitation. Congestive heart failure was well controlled, but her respiratory symptoms persisted despite repair of the right diaphragmatic hernia. Different from other infants with severe cardiovascular symptoms of MS, our patients's life threatening manifestations were bronchomalacia and emphysema. The finding of bronchomalacia has only been reported in one other patient.[1] This patient also died at 3 months of age. The mean age of survival in all patients with Marfan syndrome is 40 years of age. It seems there is a cohort of patients in whom the disease is diagnosed early in life who have severe cardiorespiratory manifestations, limited life expectancy and no family history. It is likely that different mutations in the FBN1 gene account for the severe infantile phenotypes.

Conclusion: Marfan syndrome has heterogeneous clinical expression with a broad spectrum of organ system involvement and age at diagnosis. Although the cardiovascular manifestations are the usual cause of mortality and morbidity, this case highlights that pulmonary manifestations are also significant.


[1] Gross DM, et al. Severe Perinatal Marfan Syndrome. Pediatrics 1989:84 (1): 83-9

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COPYRIGHT 2001 Gale Group

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