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Van Goethem syndrome

Van Goethem Syndrome, also called radiodigitofacial dysplasia, is a birth defect. more...

VACTERL association
Van der Woude syndrome
Van Goethem syndrome
Varicella Zoster
Variegate porphyria
Vasovagal syncope
VATER association
Velocardiofacial syndrome
Ventricular septal defect
Viral hemorrhagic fever
Vitamin B12 Deficiency
VLCAD deficiency
Von Gierke disease
Von Hippel-Lindau disease
Von Recklinghausen disease
Von Willebrand disease


Very frequent signs of the disorder include:

  • Anemia
  • Absence or abnormality of the clavicle
  • Difficulties feeding in infancy
  • High-vaulted or narrow palate
  • Narrow, sloping shoulders
  • Downturned mouth
  • Platelet disorders
  • Talipes-varus/valgus
  • Short stature or dwarfism
  • Hypoplastic thumb
  • Hyperglycemia
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Absent or abnormal humerus
  • Micrognatia/retrognatia
  • Median ray abnormal or cleft hand
  • Restricted joint mobility




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Bibliography - AIDS education - bibliography
From Population Reports, 9/1/89 by Laurie Liskin

Bibliography An asterisk (*) denotes an item that was particularly useful in the preparation of this issue of Population Reports.

1. ANONYMOUS. AIDS education and prevention efforts ineffective in adolescents. OB/GYN News 23(14): 1, 26-27. Jul. 15-31, 1988.

2. ADAM, Z.E., YENEABAT, A., FEKADU, D., et al. Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of selected population groups toward the diseasie AIDS. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 850.

3. ADRIEN, A., CARSLEY, J., and IOANNOU, S. A campaign to promote safe sexual practices in the Montreal homosexual population: Quebec. Canada Diseases Weekly Report 13(3): 9-12. January 24, 1987.

4. AIDS HEALTH PROMOTION EXCHANGE. Country watch. AIDS Health Promotion Exchange, No. 4. p. 7-10. 1988.

5. AIDS HEALTH PROMOTION EXCHANGE. Country watch: Guinea Bissau. AIDS Health Promotion Exchange, No. 2. p. 7. 1988.

6. AIDS-HILFE SCHWEIZ. Les homosexuels et le SIDA: la recherche ' na solutions. [Homosexuals and AIDS: the search for a solution.] [FRE] [Geneva], AIDE Suisse Contre le SIDA, 1988. 93 p.

7. AIDSCOM. Latin America/Caribbean regional update. 1989. 4p. (Unpublished)

8. AINSWORTH, M. Family planning programs: th client's perspective. Washington, D.C., World Bank, 1985. (World Bank Staff working Papers No. 676) (Population and Development Series No. 1) 86 p.

9. ALBERT, J., GAINES, H., SONNERBORG, A., et al. Isolation of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from plasma during primary HIV infection. Journal of Medical Virology 23: 67-73. 1987.

10. AMERICAN FOUNDATION FOR AIDS RESEARCH (AMFAR). AIDS education: a business guide. New York, AMFAR, American Council of Life Insurance, and Health Insurance Association of America, 19n88. 44 p.

11. ANDERSON, J. Uganda's pioneering support organization. People 16(2): 8. 1989.

12. ANDERSON, R.M. and MEDLEY, G.F. Epidemiology of HIV infection and AIDS: incubation and infectious periods, survival and vertical transmission. AIDS 2(Suppl. 1): S57-S63. 1988.

13. AUSTIN, H., LOUV, W.C., and ALEXANDER, W.J. A case-control study of spermicides and gonorrhea. Journal of the American Medical Association 251: 2822-2824. 1984.

14. BAKER, K. (Anti AIDS Project) [Zambia World AIDS Day competition] Personal communication, Dec. 14, 1988.

* 15. BANDURA, A. Social foundations of thought and action. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 1986.

16. BARNES,D.M. Obstacles to an AIDS vaccine. Science 240: 719-721. 1988.

17. BATTJES, R.J. and PICKENS, R. AIDS transmission risk behavior among intravenous drug abusers (IVDAs). [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 450.

18. BATTJES, R.J. and PICKENS, R.W. Needle sharing among intravenous drug abusers: future directions. In:Battjes, R.J. and Pickens, R.W., eds. Needle sharing among intravenous drug abusers: national and international perspectives. Rockville, Maryland, US Department of Health and Human Services, 1988. (NIDA Research Monograph 80) p. 176-183.

19. BEESON, D., LIPTON, H.L., MINKLER, D.H., and LEE, P.R. Client-provider transactions in family planning clinics. In: Lapham, R.J. and Simmons, G.B., eds. Organizing for effective family planning programs. Washington, D.C., National Academy Press, 1987. p. 435-456.

20. BENETUCCI, J., MULTARE, S., MARTINEZ PERALTA, L., MACIAS, J., DE BOUZA, J., COMPAGNUCCI, A., CALELLO, M., and WEISSENBACHER, M. Importance of IVDA as a risk factor for HIV infection in women of Buenos Aires city. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference.. p. 752.

21. BERNARD, R.P. AIDS feedback through 05/1989. Geneva, Project DIA, Jun. 3, 1989. 10 p.

22. BERTRAND, J.T., MAKANI, B., DJUNGHU, B., and NIWEMBO, K.L. Connaissances du SIDA et comportement sexuel dans 10 sites au Zaire: reseultats d'une enqute finance par UNICEF-Kinshase. [Knowledge about AIDS and sexual behavio in 10 sites in Zaire: the results of a survey financed by UNICEF-Kinshasa.] [FRE] Jul. 14, 1989. 7 p.

* 23. BERTRAND, J.T., MAKANI, B., NIWEMBO,K.L., and DJUNGHU, B. Knowledge of AIDS, sexual behavior and condom use in the context of AIDS prevention: results of the 1988 survey of contraceptive prevalence and K-A-P for AIDS in Kinshasa, Zaire. Kinshasa, Zaire, Tulane Univuersity Family Planning Operations Research Project in Zaire, Feb. 20, 1989. 46 l. (Mimeo)

24. BIERNACKI, P., FELDMAN, H., KNAPP, T., MARGOLIS, E., and NORMAN, P. Issues in the selection, training and deployment of AIDS community health outreach workers: the San Francisco midcity project. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 896.

25. BIZIMUNGU, C., NTILIVAMUNDA, A., TAHIMANA, M., et al. Nationwide community-based serological survey of HIV-1 and other human retrovirus infections in Central African country. Lancet 1(8644): 941-943. Apr. 29, 1989.

26. BLAIR, M. and DREW, W.L. Condom model for evaluating HIV transmission. [Abstract] In: Stockholm conference. Book 2, p. 274.

27. BLAIS, P. and FORREST, K. Condom failure: laboratory testing and clinical considerations. Presented at the 116th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Boston, Nov. 13-17, 1988. 9 p.

28. BLANCHE, S., CANIGLIA, M., FISCHER, A., ROUZIOUX, C., BURGARD, M., TARDIEU, M., DUHAMEL, G., and GRISCELLI, C. Zidovudine therapy in children with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. American Journal of Medicine 85(Suppl. 2A): 203-207. Aug. 29, 1988.

29. BLANCHE, S., ROUZIOUX, C., MOSCATO, M.-L. G., et al. A lrospective study of infants born to women seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus type 1. New England Journal of Medicine 320(25): 1643-1648. Jun. 22, 1989.

* 30. BOND, L.S. Public information about AIDS in Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Mexico. In: Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). AIDS: profile of an epidemic. Washington, D.C., PAHO, 1989. (Scientific Publication No. 514) p. 129-140.

31. BOSHELL S., J., GACHARNA, M.G., GARCIA, M., et al. AIDS in Colombia. In: Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). AIDS: profile of an epidemic. Washington, D.C., PAHO, 1989. (Scientific Publication No. 514) p. 37-44.

32. BOULOS, R., BONHOMME, M., QUINN, T., et al. Prevalence of HIV-1 and HTLV-1 in Gonaives, Haiti. [Abstract] In: Montreal, conference. p. 980.

33. BOUNDS, W., GUILLEBAUD, J., STEWART, L., and STEELE, S. A female condom (Femshield): a study of its user-acceptability. British Journal of Family Planning 14: 83-87. 1988.

34. BOXACA, M., BELLI, L., CASCO, R., CALELLO, M., GMEZ CARILLO, M., LIBONATTI, O., and WEISSENBACHER, M. HIV infection in heterosexuals from Buenos Aires city consulting for venereal disease. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 1012.

35. BRAZILIAN INTERDISCIPLINARY AIDS ASSOCIATION (ABIA). AIDS and workers in Civil construction: a specific educational project in Rio de Janeiro. [Abstract] In: Ixtapa conference. p. 44.

36. BROWN, F., SCHILD, G.C., and ADA, G.L. Recombinant vaccinia viruses as vaccines. Nature 319: 549-550. 1986.

37. BROWN, L.K. and FRITZ, G.K. AIDS education in the schools: a literature review as a guide for curriculum planning. Clinical Pediatrics 27(7): 311-316. Jul. 1988.

38. BRUCE, J. Implementing the user perspective. Studies in Family Planning 11(1): 29-33. Jan. 1980.

* 39. BUNING, E.C., HARTGERS, C., VERSTER, A.D., VAN SANTEN, G.W., and COUTINHO, R.A. Evaluation: needle and syringe exchange Amsterdam. [Booklet] Amsterdam, Netherlands Public Health Service Drug Department, [1988]. 6 p.

40. BUNING, E.C., VAN BRUSSEL, G.H.A., and VAN SANTEN, G. Amsterdam's drug policy and its implications for controlling needle sharing. In: Battjes, R.J. and Pickens, R.W., eds. Needle sharing among intravenous drug abusers: national and international perspectives. Rockville, Maryland, US Department of Health and Human Services, 1988. (NIDA Research Monograph 80) p. 59-74.

41. CAMERON, D.W., D'COSTA, L.J., MAINGI, A.M., NDINYA-ACHOLA, J.O., RONALD, A.R., and PLUMMER, F.A. Modification of high risk heterosexual behavior after education and couselling in Nairobi. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 1020.

42. CAMERON, D.W., PLUMMER, F.A., SIMONSEN, J.N., et al. Female to male heterosexual transmission of HIV infection in Nairobi. [Abstract] Presented at Washington conference.

43. CAMPBELL, I. (Chikankata Salvation Army Hospital) [Community counseling and home-based care in Zambia] Personal communication, May 9, 1989.

44. CAMPBELL, I.D. AIDS care and prevention: general principles of management with reference to program development, impact of AIDS, and observations at Chikankata Hospital, Mazabuka, Zambia. Sep. 22, 1988. 70 p. (Unpublished)

45. CANNON, R., QUINN, T., ROMPALO, A., GLASSER, D., GROSECLOSE, S., and HOOK, E. Syphilis is strong associated with HIV infection in Baltimore STD clinic patients independent of risk group. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 74.

* 46. CARAEL, M., VAN DE PERRE, P.H., LEPAGE, P.H., ALLEN, S., NSENGUMUREMYI, F., VAN GOETHEM, C., NTAHOIRUTABA, M., NZARAMBA, D., and CLUMECK, N. Human immunodeficiency virus transmission among heterosexual couples in Central Africa. AIDS 2(3): 201-205. 1988.

47. CARAVANO, K. Current strategies in AIDS education. [Draft] Apr. 8, 1988. 35 p. (Unpublished)

48, CARAVANO, K. (AIDSCOM) [AIDS prevention activities among homosexual men in Latin America] Personal communication, Jan. 15, 1989.

49. CARBALLO, M. (World Health Organization. global Programme on AIDS) [AIDS prevention counseling] Personal communications, Mar. 13, 1989.

50. CARTTER, M., PETERSEN, L., and SAVAGE, R. A new approach: providing HIV counseling and testing service at drug treatment programs. [Abstract] In:Official Program: 116th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA). boston, APHA, 1988. p. 105.

519 CENTER FOR POPULATION OPTIONS CPO). Programs at a glance: lrograms for young men. Washington, D,C., CPO, Dec. 1985. 11 p. (Mimeo)

52. CHAISSON, R.E., BACCHETTI, P., OSMOND, D., BRODIE, B., SANDE, M.A., and MOSS, A.R. Cocaine use and HIV infection in intravenous drug users in San Francisco. Journal of the American Medicali Association 261(4): 561-565. Jan. 27, 1989.

53. CHEESBROUGH, M. The "bar of soap" i test. AIDS Action, No. 5. Dec. 1988. p. 4.

54. CHIN, J. (World Health Organization) [HIV in Africa] Personal communication, Jun. 20, 1989.

55. CHIPHANGWI, J., KELLER, M., WIRIMA, J., NDOVI, E., TAYLOR, E., SAAH, A., and POLD, B.F. Prevalence of HIV-1 infectiom in pregnant women in Malawi. In:Stockholm conference. p. 324.

56. CHIRWA, B.U. and PHIRI, N. Knowledge of AIDS in two rural areas of Zambia. [Abstract] In: Ixtapa conference. p. 2.

57. CHOUT, R., CALES-QUIST, D., VERDIER, M., HELENON, R., DEMEULEEMESTER, R., and DENIS, F. 4 year follow-up study of the HIV infection in high risk and control groups in Martinique (F.W.I.). [Abstract' In: Montreal conference.. p. 100.

58. CLINTON, J. An assessment of family planning service programs in 21 selected countries: the Family Health Care report. Washington, D.C., Family Health Care, Apr. 1979. 104 p.

59. CLUMECK, N., ROBERT-GUROFF, M., VAN DE PERRE, P., JENNINGS, A., SIBOMANA, J., DEMOL, P., CRAN, S., and GALLO, R.C. Seroepidemiological studies of HTLV-III antibody prevalence among selected groups of heterosexual Africans. Journals of the American Medical Association 254(18): 2599-2602. Nov. 8, 1985.

60. COATES, T.J., MORIN, S., MCKUSICK, L., HOFF, C., CATANIA, J., KEGELES, S., and POLLOCK, L. Long-term consequences of AIDS antibody testing on gay and bisexual men. [Abstract] In: Stockholm conference. Book 1, p. 474.

* 61. COATES, T.J., STAFF, R.D., and HOFF, C.C. Changes in sexual behavior of homosexual and bisexual men since the beginning of the AIDS epidemic. Washington, D.C., U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Mar. 1988. 70 p. (Mimeo)

62. COELLO, M., BAILEY, P., JANOWITZ, B., and CLARKE, K. AIDS education for commercial sex workers in Honduras. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 1058.

63. COEYTAUX, F.M., KILANI, T., and MCEVOY, M. The role of information, education, and communication in family planning service delivery in Tunisia. studies in Family Planning 18(4): 229-234. Jul.-Aug. 1987.

64. COHEN, J. (AIDSCOM consultant) [AIDS education programm for prostitutes in Jamaica] Personal communication, Feb. 28, 1989.

65. COHEN, J.B., POOLE, L.E., LYONS, C.A., LOCKETT, G.J., ALEXANDER, P., and WOFSY, C.B. Sexual behavior and HIV infection risk among 354 sex industry women in a parnticipant based research and prevention program. [Abstract] In: Stockholm conference. Book 1, p. 272.

66. COLEBUNDERS, R., KAPITA, B., NEKWEI, W., BAHWE, Y., LEBUGHE, I., OXTOBY, M., and RYDER, R. Breastfeeding and transmission of HIV. Lancet 2(8626-8627); 1487. Dec. 24-31, 1988.

67. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, CENTER FOR POPULATION AND FAMILY HEALTH (CPFH). Piaui State, Brazil: final report. New York, CPFH, 1983. 108 p.

68, CONANT, M., HARDY, D., SERNATINGER, J., SPICER, D., and LEVY, J.A. Condoms prevent transmission of AIDS-associated virus. [Letter] Journal of the American Medical Association 255: 1706. 1986.

69. CONE, R.A., MOENCH, T.R., and WHALEY,K.J. Sexual transmission of an AIDS-like disease in the CAT (FIV): contraceptive jelly with non-oxynol-9 blocks baginal transmission. Presented at the 2nd International Workshop of the Contraceptive Research and Development Program (CONRAD): The Heterosexual Transmission of AIDS, Norfolk, Virginia, Feb. 1-3, 1989. 16 p.

70. CONSTANTINE, N.T., FOX E., ABBATTE, E.A., and WOODY, J.N. Diagnostic usefulness of five screening assays for HIV in an east African city where prevalence of infection is low. AIDS 3(5): 313-317. 1989.

71. CONSUMERS UNION. Can you rely on condoms? Consumer Reports 54(3): 135-142. Mar. 1989.

72. COOPERATING AGENCIES TASK FORCE ON INFORMED CHOICE. Informed choice: report of the Cooperating Agencies Task Force. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University, Center for Communication Programs, 1989. 40 p.

73. CORTES, E., DETELS, R., ABOULAFIA, D., LI, S., SLAMON, D., and HO, D. Seroprevalence of HIV-1, HIV-2, and HTLV-1 in male prostitutes in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. {Abstract} In: Montreal conference. p. 1001.

74. CORTES, E., DETELS, R., ABOULAFIA, D., et al. HIV-1, HIV-2, and HTLV-I infection in high-risk groups in Brazil. New England Journal of Medicine 320(15): 954-958. Apr. 13, 1989.

75. COULSON, A., VOELLER, B., BERNSTEIN, G., SMITH, J., HICKS, D., JAKAMURA, R., DETELS, R., and PERLMAN, J. Effectiveness of five spermicidal preparations against sexually transmitted disease (STD) agents. [Abstract] In: Official Program: 116th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA). Boston, APHA, 1988. p. 127.

76. COWAN, M.J., WALKER, C., CULVER, K., WEINTRUB, P.S., WARA, D.W., and LEVY, J.A. Maternally transmitted HIV infection in children. AIDS 2: 437-441. Dec. 1988.

77. CURTIS, J.L., CRUMMEY, F.C., BAKER, S.N., FOSTER, R.E., KHANYILLE, C.S., and WILKINS, R. HIV screening and counseling for intravenous drug abuse patients. Journal of the American Medical Association 261(2): 258-262. Jan. 13, 1989.

78. DALEY, S. Two addicts seek needles on first day. New York Times, Nov. 8, 1988. p. B1.

79. DALGLEISH, A.G., THOMSON, B.J., CHANH, T.C., MALKOVSKY, M., and KENNEDY, R.C., Neurtralisation of HIV isolates by anti-idiotypic antibodies which mimic the T4 (CD4) epitope: a potential AIDS vaccine. Lancet 2(8567): 1047-1050. Nov. 7, 1987.

80. DARROW, W.W., BIGLER, W., DEPPE, D., FRENCH, J., GILL, P., POTTERAT, J., RAVENHOLT, O., SCHABLE, C., SIKES, R.K., and WOFSY, C. HIV antibody in 640 U.S. prostitutes with no evidence of intravenous (IV)-drug abuse. [Abstract] In: Stockholm conference. Book 1, p. 273.

81. DAWSON, D.A. AIDS knowledge and attitudes for Jul. 1988: provisional data from the National Health Interview Survey. NCHS Advancedata 161: 1-12. Oct. 11, 1988.

82. DAWSON, D.A. AIDS knowledge and attitudes: Aug. 1988. NCHS Advancedata 163: 1-12. Dec. 15, 1988.

83. DAY, W. (STOP AIDS Project, San Francisco, California) [STOP AIDS projects: impact on participants) Personal communication, Feb. 17, 1989.

84. DAYRIT, M.M., MONZON, O.T., BASACA-SEVILLA, V., and HAYES, C.G. Emerging patterns of HIV infection and control in the Philippines. Western Journal of Medicine 147(6): 723-725. Dec. 1987.

85. DE LA LOMA, A., GARCIA, S., and DEL ROMERO, J. Poor lifestyle modification among intravenous drug users assisted at a sexually transmitted disease clinic for HIV infection diagnosis, Madrid, 1987. [Letter] AIDS 2(5): 401-402. 1988.

86. DE LALLA, F., RIZARDINI, G., SANTORO, D., and GALLI, M. Rapid spread of HIV infection in a rural district in Central Africa. [Letter] AIDS 2(4): 317-321. Aug. 1988.

87. DE MOYA, E.A. AIDS in female sex workers: the Dominican experience. Presented at Montreal conference. 4 p.

88. DE VINCENZI, I. and ANCELLE-PARK, R. Heterosexual transmission of HIV: a European study. 2: female-to-male transmission. Presented at Montreal conference.

89. DE VROOME, E.M.M., SANDFORT, T.G.M., PAALMAN, M., and TIELMAN, R.A.P. AIDS and condom-use in the Netherlands. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 136.

90. DEERING, J., NOVAK, J., BENNETT, J., and N'GALY, B. Family planning service provision and AIDS prevention in Zaire: competing or complementary strategies? [Abstract] In: Official Program: 116th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA). Boston, APHA, 1988. p. 324.

* 91. DES JARLAIS, D.C. The effectiveness of AIDS educational programs for intravenous drug users. Washington, D.C., U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Mar. 1988. 70 p. (Mimeo)

92. DES JARLAIS, D.C. and FRIEDMAN, S.R. HIV and intravenous drug use. AIDS 2(Suppl. 1): S65-S69. 1988.

93. DES JARLAIS, D.C. and FRIEDMAN, S.R. HIV infection among intravenous drug users: epidemiology and risk reduction. AIDS 1(2): 67-76. Jul. 1987.

94. DES JARLAIS, D.C., FRIEDMAN, S.R., NOVICK, D.M., et al. HIV-1 infection among intravenous drug users in Manhattan, New York City, from 1977 through 1987. Journal of the American Medical Association 261(7): 1008-1012. Feb. 17, 1989.

95. DES JARLAIS, D.C., FRIEDMAN, S.R., SOTHERAN, J.L., and STONEBURNER, R. The sharing of drug injection equipment and the AIDS epidemic in New York City: the first decade. In: Battjes, R.J. and Pickens, R.W., eds. Needle sharing among intravenous drug abusers: national and international perspectives. Rockville, Maryland, US Department of Health and Human Services, 1988. (NIDA Research Monograph 80) p. 160-175.

96. DES JARLAIS, D.C., HAGAN, H., PURCHASE, D., REID, T., and FRIEDMAN, S.R. Safer injection among participants in the first North American syringe exchange program. Presented at Montreal conference.

97. DEVERELL, S. (Kenya Red Cross Society) [Kenyan AIDS prevention programs] Personal communication, Feb. 16, 1989.

98. DICLEMENTE, R. and DUNAH, R. Influence of perceived referent-group normative behavior on adolescents [is less than] 39 [is greater than] use of condoms. [Abstract] In: Monreal conference. p. 742.

99. DIXON, H. and GORDON, P. Working with uncertainty. London and Cambridge, the UK, Family Planning Association and Cambridge Health Authority, 1987. 50 p.

100. DOLL, L., BYERS, R., BOLAN, G., et al. Persistence of high-risk sexual behavior in homosexual/bisexual men: a multi-center study. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 714.

101. DOLL, L.S., O'MALLEY, P., PERSHING, A., HESSOL, N., DARROW, W., LIFSON, A., and CANNON, L. High-risk behavior and knowledge of HIV-antibody status in the San Francisco city clinic cohort. [Abstract] In: Stockholm conference. Book 1, p. 474.

102. DONAYRE, J. (UNFPA) [UNFPA AIDS activities] Personal communication, September 15, 1989.

103. DONOGHOE, M.C., STIMSON, G.V., DOLAN, K., and ALLDRITT, L. Changes in HIV risk behavior in clients of syringe-exchange schemes in England and Scotland. AIDS 3(5): 267-272. 1989.

104. DREW, W.L. and CONANT, M. Evaluation of a new female condom for virus permeability. [Abstract] Presented at Montreal conference.

105. DUBOIS-ARBER, F., HAUSSER, D., LEHMANN, P.H., and GUTZWILLER, B. Results after 10 months evaluating nationwide campaigns against AIDS in Switzerland. [Abstract] In: Stockholm conference. Book 1, p. 371.

106. DUBOIS-ARBER, F., LEHMANN, P., HAUSSER, D., and GUTZWILLER, F. Evaluation des campagnes de prevention du SIDA en Suisse: deuxieme rapport de synthese 1988. [Evaluation of the AIDS prevention campaign in Switzerland. 2nd summary report 1988.[ [FRE] Lausanne, Switzerland, Institut universitaire de medecine sociale et preventive, 1989. (Cah Rech Doc IUMSP, No. 39) 105 p.

107. EARLE, D. (Population Services International) [Condom sales in Zaire] Personal communication, Feb. 7, 1989.

108. ELIE, R., CHOUT, R., LASSEGUE, A., DORLETTE, J., CESAR, D., and DELAUNAY, B. Antibodies to HIV-1 and HTLV-1 in Haiti. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference p. 77.

109. ENTWISLE, B., HERMALIN, A.I., KAMNUANSILPA, P., and CHAMRATRITHIRONG, A. A multilevel model of family planning availability and contraceptive use in rural Thailand. Demography 21(4): 559-574. Nov. 1984.

110. EUROPEAN COLLABORATIVE STUDY. Mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection. Lancet 2(8619): 1039-1043. Nov. 5, 1988.

* 111. EUROPEAN STUDY GROUP. Risk factors for male to female transmission of HIV. British Medical Journal 298(6671): 411-415. Feb. 18, 1989.

112. EZZELL, C. Killed HIV treatment in clinical trials. Nature 332:668. 1988.

113. FAMILY HEALTH INTERNATIONAL. High condom quality essential to reduce HIV spread. Network 10(2): 6. Winter 1988.

114. FARTHING, C.F., JESSON, W., TAYLOR, H.-L., LAWRENCE, A.G., and GAZZARD, B.G. The HIV antibody test: influence on sexual behaviour of homosexual men. [Abstract] In: Washington conference. p. 5.

115. FAY, O., BIGLIONE, J., FERNANDEZ, E., et al. HIV in various risk communities in the North East of Argentina. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 1002.

116. FAY, O., MUCHINIK, G., REY, J., SILEONI, S., KOFFMANN, D., and GATTI, H. HIV-infection in voluntary blood donors in Argentina. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 975.

* 117. FELDBLUM, P.J. and FORTNEY, J.A. Condoms, spermicides, and the transmission of human immunodeficiency virus: a review of the literature. American Journal of Public Health 78(1): 52-54. Jan. 1988.

118. FELDBLUM, P.J. and ROSENBERG, M.J. Spermicides and sexually transmitted diseases: new perspectives. North Carolina Medical Journal 47(12): 569-572. Dec. 1986.

119. FELDMAN, H.W. and BIERNACKI, P. The ethnography of needle sharing among intravenous drug users and implications for public policies and intervention strategies. In: Battjes, R.J. and Pickens, R.W., eds. Needle sharing among intravenous drug abusers: national and international perspectives. Rockville, Maryland, US Department of Health and Human Services, 1988. (NIDA Research Monograph 80) p. 28-39.

120. FIFE, K.H., JONES, R.B., MARRERO, D.G., KATZ, B.P., SERPE, R.T., and SCOTT, J. Behavioral changes among sexually active homosexual men after learning they are negative for HIV antibody. [Abstract] In: Stockholm conference. Book 1, p. 356.

121. FINEBERG, H. Education to prevent AIDS: evaluating results. Presented at Ixtapa conference.

122. FINK, R. Changes in public reaction to a new epidemic: the case of AIDS. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 63(10): 939-949. Dec. 1987.

123. FISCHL, M.A., DICKINSON, G.M., SEGAL, A., FLANAGAN, S., and RODRIGUEZ, M. Heterosexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), relationship of sexualpractices to seroconversion. [Abstract] In: Washington conference. p. 178.

124. FISHER, A.A. and DE SILVA, V. Satisfied IUD acceptors as motivators for family planning: an experimental study in Sri Lanka. Studies in Family Planning 17(5): 235-242. Sep.-Oct. 1986.

125. FITTI, J.E. AIDS knowledge and attitudes for Sept. 1988. NCHS Advancedata 164: 1-12. Jan. 3, 1989.

126. FLOWER, R. (Johns Hopkins University. Applied Physics Laboratory) [Development of self-occluding needle] Personal communication, Mar. 8, 1989.

127. FOREIT, J.R., TEJADA, A., ALARCON, J., PISCOYA, J., and VARELA, L. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 708.

128. FORSTER, S.J. and FURLEY, K.E. 1988 public awareness survey on AIDS and condoms in Uganda. AIDS 3(3): 147-154. Mar. 1989.

129. FOX, R., ODAKA, N.J., BROOKMEYER, R., and POLK, B.F. Effect of HIV antibody disclosure on subsequent sexual activity in homosexual men. AIDS 1(4): 241-246. Dec. 1987.

130. FOX, R., OSTROW, D., VALDISSERI, R., VAN RADEN, M., VISCHER, B., and POLK, B.F. Changes in sexual activities among participants in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study. [Abstract] In: Washington conference. p. 213.

131. FRANCIS, H.L., KABEYA, M., KAFUAMA, N., RIGGINS, C., COLEBUNDERS, R., RYDER, R., CURRAN, J., IZALEY, L., and QUINN, T.C. Comparison of sensitivities and specificities of latex agglutination and an enzyme-linked immunoserbent assay for detection of antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus in African sera. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 26(11): 2462-2464. Nov. 1988.

132. FRAZER, I.H., MCCAMISH, M., HAY, I., and NORTH, P. Influence of human immunodeficiency virus antibody testing on sexual behaviour in a "high-risk" population from a "low-risk" city. Medical Journal of Australia 149(7): 365-368. Oct. 3, 1988.

(*) 133. FREE, M.J. and HUTCHINGS, J. Condom quality management. Presented at the 2nd International Workshop of the Contraceptive Research and Development Program (CONRAD): The Heterosexual Transmission of AIDS, Norfolk, Virginia, Feb. 1-3, 1989. 24 p.

(*) 134. FREEDMAN, R. The contribution of social science research to population policy and family planning program effectiveness. Studies in Family Planning 18(2): 57-82. Mar.-Apr. 1987.

135. FRIEDMAN, S.R., DE JONG, W.M., and DES JARLAIS, D.C. Problems and dynamics of organizing intravenous drug users for AIDS prevention. Health Education Research 3(1): 49-57. 1988.

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137. FRIEDMAN, S.R., DES JARLAIS, D.C., and GOLDSMITH, D.S. An overview of AIDS prevention efforts aimed at intravenous drug users circa 1987. 1988. 29 p. (To be published by Journal of Drug Issues)

138. FRIEDMAN, S.R., DES JARLAIS, D.C., SOTHERAN, J.L., GARBER, J., COHEN, H., and SMITH, D. AIDS and self-organization among intravenous drug users. International Journal of the Addictions 22(3): 201-219. 1987.

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141. GALLEN, M.E., LISKIN, L., and KAK, N. Men--new focus for family planning programs. Population Reports, Series J, No. 33. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University, Population Information Program, Nov.-Dec. 1986. 32 p.

142. GARRISON, L. and CLEMENTS, M.L. Development of new vaccines for AIDS. 1988. 32 p. (Unpublished)

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144. GINZBURG, H.M., FLEMING, P.L., and MILLER, K.D. Selected public health observations derived from the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 1(1): 2-7. 1988.

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153. HAGAN, H., DES JARLAIS, D.C., PURCHASE, D., REID, T., and BRIEDMAN, S.R. Drug use trends among participants in the Tacoma syringe exchange. Presented at Montreal conference.

154. HANSFIELD, H.H. Decreasing incidence of gonorrhea in homosexually active men--minimal effect on risk of AIDS. Western Journal of Medicine 143: 469-470. 1985.

155. HARBISON, M.A. and HAMMER, S.M. Inactivation of human immunodeficiency virus by betadine products and chlorhexidine. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2(1): 16-20. 1989.

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163. HAUSSER, D., LEHMANN, P., DUBOIS-ARBER, F., and GUTZWILLER, F. Evaluation des campagnes de prevention contre le SIDA en Suisse--sur mandat de l'Office federal de la sante publique: rapport de synthese. [Evaluation of prevention campaigns against AIDS in Switzerland by mandate of Federal Bureau of Public Health: summary report Dec. 1987.] [FRE] Laussane, Switzerland, Institut Universitaire de Medecine Sociale et Preventive, 1988. (Cah Rech Doc IUMSP, No. 23) 96 p.

164. HAUSSER, D., LEHMANN, P.H., DUBOIS-ARBER, F., and GUTZWILLER, F. Evaluation of nationwide campaigns against AIDS in Switzerland. Presented at Stockholm conference.

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169. HICKS, D.R., MARTIN, L.S., GETCHELL, J.P., HEATH, J.L., FRANCIS, D.P., MCDOUGAL, J.S., CURRAN, J.W., and VOELLER, B. Inactivation of HTLV-III/LAV-infected cultures of normal human lymphocytes by nonoxynol-9 in vitro. Lancet 2(8469-8470): 1422-1423. Dec. 21-28, 1985.

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176. HOEK, A. VAN DEN, HAASTRECHT, H.J.A. VAN, and COUTINHO, R.A. Heterosexual behavior of intravenous drug users. Presented at Montreal conference.

177. HOLLERBACH, P.E. Power in families, communication and ferility decision-making. New York, Population Council, Jan. 1980. (Center for Policy Studies Working Paper No. 53) 35 p.

178. HOLMBERG, S.D., STEWART, J.A., GERBER, A.R., BYERS, R.H., LEE, F.K., O'MALLEY, P.M., and NAHMIAS, A.J. Prior herpes simplex virus type 2 infection as a risk factor for HIV infection. Journal of the American Medical Association 259(7): 1048-1050. Feb. 19, 1988.

179. HOOYKAAS, C., VAN DER PLIGT, J., VAN DOORNUM, G.J.J., AN DER LINDEN, M.M.D., and COUTINHO, R.A. High-risk heterosexuals: differences between private and commercial partners in sexual behavior and condom use. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 101.

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185. HUTCHINGS, J. and SAUNDERS, L. Assessing the characteristics and cost-effectiveness of contraceptive methods. Seattle, Washington, Lrogram for the Introduction and Adaptation of Contraceptive Technology (PIACT), Aug. 1985. (PIACT Paper 10) 66 p.

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187. INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE/NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Confronting AIDS: update 1988. Washington, D.C., National Academy Press, 1988. 239 p.

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190. INTERNATIONAL PLANNED PARENTHOOD FEDERATION (IPPF). Male involvement in family planning: programme initiatives. London, IPPF, 1984. 196 p.

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192. ITALIAN MULTICENTRE STUDY. Epidemiology, clinical features, and prognostic factors of paediatric HIV infection. Lancet 2(8619): 1043-1046. Nov. 5, 1988.

193. IZAZOLA, A., BASANEZ, R., VALDESPINO, J.L., and SEPULVEDA, J. Attitudes explaining desertion and no-use of condoms in gay men in Mexico. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 1018.

194. IZAZOLA, J.A., JUAREZ, L.G., VALDESPINO, J.L., and SEPULVEDA, J. Diseno de estudios cuasi-experiment ales educativos en hombres homosexuales. [Design of a quasi-experimental education study in homosexual men.] [SPA] [Abstract] In: Ixtapa conference. p. 32.

(*) 195. IZAZOLA, J.A., MARTINEZ, L.P., VALDESPINO, J.L., and SEPULVEDA, J. Condom use and knowledge in general population, female prostitutes and gay and bisexual men. [1989]. 39 p. (Unpublished)

196. IZAZOLA, J.A., SEPULVEDA, J., VALDESPINO, J.L., RAMAH, M., and RAMOS, M. The challenge of modifying risk practices among well informed homosexual men. [1989]. 36 p. (Unpublished)

(*) 197. JAGWE, J.G.M. Review of Uganda AIDS control programme: Dec. 1988. [Kampala], Uganda, Ministry of Health, Dec. 1988. 23 p. (Mimeo)

198. JANOWITZ, B. (Family Health International) [AIDS education programs for prostitutes and intravenous drug users in Thailand] Personal communication, Jan. 26, 1989.

(*) 199. JOHNSON, A.M. and LAGA, M. Heterosexual transmission of HIV. AIDS 2(Suppl. 1): S49-S56. 1988.

200. JOHNSON, M.A. and WEBSTER, A. Human immunodeficiency virus infection in women. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 96(2): 129-134. Feb. 1989.

201. JONES, C.C., WASKIN, H., GERETY, B., SKIPPER, B.J., HULL, H.F., and MERTZ, G.J. Persistence of high-risk sexual activity among homosexual men in an area of low incidence of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 14(1): 79-82. Jan.-Mar. 1987.

(*) 202. JOSEPH, J.G. HIV infection and the effectiveness of education for the "general population." Mar. 1988. 56 p. (Unpublished)

203. JOSEPH, J.G., MONTGOMERY, S., KESSLER, R.C., OSTROW, D.G., EMMONS, C.A., and PHAIR, J.P. Two-year longitudinal study of behavioral risk reduction in a cohort of homosexual men. [Abstract] In: Washington conference. p. 60.

204. JOSEPH, J.G., MONTGOMERY, S.B., EMMONS, C.-A., KIRSCHT, J.P., KESSLER, R.C., OSTROW, D.G., WORTMAN, C.B., O'BRIEN, K., ELLER, M., and ESHLEMAN, S. Perceived risk of AIDS: assessing the behavioral and psychosocial consequences in a cohort of gay men. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 17(3): 231-250. Mar. 1987.

205. JOSEPH, H. (National AIDS Hotline of Trinidad & Tobago) [Calls to National AIDS Hotline] Personal communication, Jun. 3, 1989.

206. JOY, D.M., BOLAN, G., HARRISON, J., et al. Predictors of higher risk sexual behaviors among gay and bisexual men attending an STD clinic. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 715.

207. JUNUS, E., SUYONO, H., SOETEDJO, M., SOEDARMADI, and CLINTON, J.J. Growth and development of the Indonesian national family planning program data system. Jakarta, National Family Planning Coordinating Board, Sep. 1973. (Technical Report Series Monograph No. 2) 19 p.

208. KALEEBA, N. The place of counseling in national programs: the AIDS support organization. Presented at Ixtapa conference.

209. KALEEBA, N. A family commitment. AIDS Action, No. 7. p. 4-5 Jun. 1989.

210. KAMENGA, M. (Project SIDA, Zaire) [AIDS prevention program in Zaire] Personal communication, Feb. 2, 1989.

211. KAMENGA, M., JINGU, K., HASSIG, S., NDILU, M., BEHETS, F., BROWN, C., and RYDER, R. Condom use and associated HIV seroconversion following intensive HIV counselling of 122 married couples in Zaire with discordant HIV serology. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 703.

(*) 212. KAPILA, M. and WELLINGS, K. The UK public education campaign--evaluation and evolution. [Draft] [1989]. 34 p. (To be published by World Health Organization)

213. KELLY, C.J. and TURNOCK, B.J. Mandatory premarital HIV antibody testing: a twelve-month experience. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 68.

214. KELLY, J.A., ST. LAWRENCE, J.S., BRASFIELD, T.L., et al. Psychological and demographic characteristics of gay men who do or do not engage in unsafe sex. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 714.

215. KELLY, J.A., ST. LAWRENCE, J.S., HOOD, H.V., and BRASFIELD, T.L. Behavioral intervention to reduce AIDS risk activities. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 57(1): 60-67. 1989.

216. KILLEWO, J., NYAMURYEKUNGE, K., SANDSTROM, A., BREDBERG RADEN, U., WALL, S., BIBERFELD, G., and MHALU. The epidemiology of HIV-1 infection in the Kagera region of Tanzania. [Abstract] In: Arusha conference. p. 23.

(*) 217. KINCAID, D.L., ELIAS, J.R.J., COLEMAN, P., and SEGURA, F. Getting the message: the Communication for Young People project. Washington, D.C., Agency for International Development, Oct. 1988. (A.I.D. Evaluation Special Study No. 56) 36 p.

218. KINCAID, D.L., PARK, H.J., CHUNG, K.K., and LEE, C.C. Mothers' clubs and family planning in rural Korea: the case of Oryu Li. Honolulu, Hawaii, East-West Communication Institute, [1974]. (East-West Communication Institute Case Study, No. 2) 76 p.

219. KINUTHIA, D.M.W., ORINDA, V., BRADY, J.P., and MEME, J.S. AIDS--knowledge, attitude and practice in a deprived urban area of Nairobi, Kenya. [Poster] Presented at Montreal conference.

220. KIPKE, M.D., BOYER, C., HEIN, K., and DRUCKER, E. An AIDS risk-reduction and skills training program (ARREST) for adolescents in New York City. [Abstract] In: Ixtapa conference. p. 52.

(*) 221. KIRBY, D. The effectiveness of educational programs to help prevent school-age youth from contracting HIV: a review of relevant research. Washington, D.C., U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Mar. 1988. 39 p. (Mimeo)

222. KLEINMAN, P.H., FRIEDMAN, S.R., MAUGE, C.E., GOLDSMITH, D.S., DES JARLAIS, D.C., and HOPKINS, W. Beliefs and behaviors regarding AIDS: a survey of street intravenous drug users. [Abstract] In: Washington conference. p. 196.

223. KLOUDA, T. (International Planned Parenthood Federation) [Family planning program activities in AIDS prevention] Personal communication, Mar. 3, 1989.

224. KOCHER, K.W. and STAUB, R. Notre approche du Sida--reflet de l'evolution d'une civilisation: stop SIDA. [Our approach to AIDS--reflection of the evolution of a civilization: stop AIDS.] [FRE] [Geneva], L'AIDE Suisse Contre le SIDA, Oct. 1988. (Document 2) 9 p.

225. KONDE-LULE, J.K. and RWAKAIKARA, E. Knowledge about AIDS in rural Uganda. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 973.

226. KOVACS, J.A., MEGIL, M.E., DEYTON, L., et al. Phase 1 trial of a recombinant GP160 candidate AIDS vaccine. [Abstract] In: Stockholm conference. Book 2, p. 289.

227. KREISS, J., RUMINJO, I., NGUGI, E., ROBERTS, P., NDINYAACHOLA, J., and PLUMMER, F. Efficacy of nonoxynol-9 in preventing HIV transmission. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 51.

228. KROGSGAARD, K., GLUUD, C., PEDERSEN, C., NIELSEN, J.O., and JUHL, E. Widespread use of condoms and low prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases in Danish non-drug addict prostitutes. [Letter] British Medical Journal 293(6559): 1473-1474. Nov. 29, 1986.

229. LAGA, M., NZILA, N., MANOKA, A.T., KIVUVU, M., BEHETS, F., EDIDI, B., PIOT, P., and RYDER, R. High prevalence and incidence of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STD) among 801 Kinshasa prostitutes. Presented at Montreal conference.

230. LAGA, M., TAELMAN, H., BONNEUX, L., CORNET, P., VERCAUTEREN, G., and PIOT, P. Risk factors for HIV infection in heterosexual partners of HIV infected Africans and Europeans. [Abstract] In: Stockholm conference. Book 1, p. 260.

231. LAMPTEY, P., NEEQUAYS, A., WEIR, S., and POTTS, M. A model program to reduce HIV infection among prostitutes in Africa. [Abstract] In: Stockholm conference. Book 1, p. 352.

(*) 232. LAPHAM, R.J. and MAULDIN, W.P. Contraception prevalence: the influence of organized family planning programs. Studies in Family Planning 16(3): 117-137. May-Jun. 1985.

233. LAPHAM, R.J. and MAULDIN, W.P. Family planning program effort and birthrate decline in developing countries. International Family Planning Perspectives 10(4): 109-118. Dec. 1984.

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236. LAWRENCE, D.W., ATKINSON, W., RISI, G., and LAURO, A. Needle sharing practices among intravenous drug users in a state allowing the purchase of injection equipment. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 104.

237. LEEPER, M.A. (Wisconsin Pharmacal Company) [Acceptability trials of the female condom] Personal communication, Feb. 19, 1989.

238. LEEPER, M.A., CONRARDY, M.L., and HENDERSON, J. Evaluation of the WPC-333 female condom. [Poster] Presented at Montreal conference.

239. LEHMANN, P., HAUSSER, D., SOMAINI, B., and GUTZWILLER, F. Campaign against AIDS in Switzerland: evaluation of a nationwide educational programme. British Medical Journal 295(6606): 1118-1120. Oct. 31, 1987.

(*) 240. LEPAGE, P. and VAN DE PERRE, P. Nosocomial transmission of HIV in Africa: what tribute is paid to contaminated blood transfusions and medical injections? Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 9(5): 200-203. May 1988.

241. LEPAGE, P., VAN DE PERRE, P., CARAEL, M., et al. Postnatal transmission of HIV from mother to child. Lancet 2(8555): 400-401. Aug. 15, 1987.

242. LESETEDI, L.T., MOMPATI, G.D., KHULUMANI, P., KHULUMANI, P., LESETEDI, G.N., and RUTENBERG, N. Botswana: family health survey II, 1988. Gaborone, Botswana, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Health. and Columbia, Maryland, Institute for Resource Development/Macro Systems, Aug. 1989.

243. LIPTON, H.L., DIXON-MUELLER, R., and LEE, P.R. Client-provider transactions: an introduction and conceptual overview. In: Lapham, R.J. and Simmons, G.B., eds. Organizing for effective family planning programs. Washington, D.C., National Academy Press, 1987. p. 415-434.

244. LISKIN, L., KAK, N., RUTLEDGE, A.H., SMIT, L.C., and STEWART, L. Youth in the 1980s: social and health concerns. Population Reports, Series M, No. 9. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University, Population Information Program, Nov.-Dec. 1985. 40 p.

245. LJUNGBERG, B.L., ANDERSSON, B., CHRISTENSSON, B., HUGOPERSSON, M., TUNVING, K., and URSING, B. Distribution of sterile equipment to IV drug abusers as part of an HIV prevention program. [Abstract] In: Stockholm conference. Book 2, p. 387.

246. LOCKING, K.C. Prostitutes as AIDS educators. [Abstract] In: Stockholm conference. Book 1, p. 271.

247. LONDON, K., CUSHING, J., CLELAND, J., ANDERSON, J.E., MORRIS, L., MOORE, S.H., and RUTSTEIN, S.O. Fertility and family planning surveys: an update. Population Reports, Series M, No. 8. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University, Population Information Program, Sep.-Oct. 1985. 60 p.

248. LOVEDAY, C., POMEROY, L., WELLER, I.V.D., QUIRK, J., HAWKINS, A., WILLIAMS, H., SMITH, A., WILLIAMS, P., TEDDER, R.S., and ADLER, M.W. Human immunodeficiency viruses inpatients attending a sexually transmitted disease clinic in London, 1982-7. British Medical Journal 298(6671): 419-422. Feb. 18, 1989.

249. LUJAN, M. (Project SIDA, Ministry of Health, Lima, Peru) [National mass media campaign to prevent AIDS: preliminary results] Personal communication, May 18 and Jul. 10, 1989.

250. LYTLE, C.D., CARNEY, P.G., VOHRA, S., CYR, W.H., and BOCKSTAHLER, L.E. Virus leakage through natural membrane condoms. [Abstract] In: Montreal conference. p. 97.

251. M'BOUP, S., DIAKHATE, L., SECK, K., et al. HIV-1 and HIV-2 in blood donors and MST patients in Dakar. [Abstract] In: Arusha conference. p. 99.

252. MACK, K. (Program for Appropriate Technology for Health, Seattle, Washington) [Development of one-use only syringes] Personal communication, Mar. 8, 1989.

253. MALKOVSKY, M., NEWELL, A., and DALGLEISH, A.G. Inactivation of HIV by nonoxynol-9. [Letter] Lancet 1(8586): 645. Mar. 19, 1988.

254. MANN, J., QUINN, T.C., PIOT, P., et al. Condom use and HIV infection among prostitutes in Zaire. New England Journal of Medicine 316(6): 345. Feb. 5, 1987.

255. MANN, J.M., Global AIDS into the 1990s. Presented at Montreal conference. 7 p.

(*) 256. MANN, J., CHIN, J., PIOT, P., and QUINN, T. The international epidemiology of AIDS. Scientific American 259(4): 82-89. Oct. 1988.

257. MARASCA, G., BONVINI, V., GRECO, D., PIAZZOLI, M., and ZAMPIERI, A. Evaluation of the Italian National AIDS information campaign. [Abstract] In:Montreal conference. p. 851.

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