Neural plasticity in adult somatic sensory-motor systems.
Ed. by Ford F. Ebner.
Taylor & Francis
273 pages
Frontiers in neuroscience
Experience, learning, and damage are three constants in the changes wrought in nervous systems. In this collection of 11 articles, leading researchers examine how these changes relate to shifts in the movement and behavior of adults and how this information can be used to create brain-based interventions for the disabled. Paper topics include silent neurons in sensomotor cortices and their implications for cortical plasticity, the Vibrissa resonance hypothesis, spatial and temporal roles underlying rat barrel cones plasticity, cortical evidence, perceptual learning and referral in the tactile system, the effects of sensory deprivation in sensory function of the SI barrel cortex, the role of plasticity in sensomotor transformations, neural plasticity in the adult motor cortex, reorganization of the motor cortex after damage in the motor system, and a behavioral basis of focal hand dystonia through aberrant learning in the somatosensory cortex.
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