Ventilatory modes employing different inspiratory flow patterns and inspiratory to expiratory ratios may alter lung strain in acute lung injury patients. To determine whether variations in lung strain existed between pressure-controlled, volume-controlled, and pressure-controlled inverse ratio modes of ventilation, we randomly applied each for 30 minutes in 18 acute lung injury patients, keeping tidal volume, respiratory rate, fractional inspired oxygen, and total positive end-expiratory pressure constant. After each mode, a multiple linear regression analysis of dynamic airway pressure and airflow was performed with a volume-dependent single compartment model of the equation of motion, and an index of nonlinear elastic behavior was calculated. In five additional patients, concurrent dynamic computerized axial tomography scanning at juxtadiaphragmatic and subcarinal levels was added. Although static mechanics, oxygenation, and hemodynamics were no different between pressure-controlled, volume-controlled, and pressure-controlled inverse ratio ventilation, we found significant differences in nonlinear behavior. This was least with pressure-controlled followed by volume-controlled ventilation, and pressure-controlled inverse ratio ventilation had the greatest nonlinear elastic behavior. Dynamic computerized axial tomography analysis revealed more overinflated units in the left subcarinal slice with pressure-controlled inverse ratio ventilation. Ventilator flow pattern and inspiratory to expiratory ratio independently influence lung strain in acute lung injury; however, further studies are needed to determine the biologic significance.
Keywords: acute respiratory distress syndrome; respiratory mechanics; nonlinear behavior, lung strain
Acute lung injury (ALI) results in an increase in the work of breathing and impairment of gas exchange that usually requires mechanical ventilation. However, the pathophysiology of ALI includes surfactant dysfunction, increased lung weight, and airspace collapse and consolidation, which predispose the lung to ventilation-induced lung injury (1). For example, mortality in patients with ALI is reduced by using small tidal volume (VT) ventilation (2), and protective ventilatory strategies using positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), recruitment maneuvers, surfactant replacement therapy, and varying VT may also reduce ventilation-induced lung injury (1). In general, these strategies aim to reduce ventilation-- induced lung injury by reducing sheer stress or lung strain (3).
The quasistatic volume-pressure curve and the static distending pressure of the respiratory system (plateau pressure [Pplat]) are the most commonly used measures of lung strain. However, the dynamic elastic distending pressure, which is composed of the static pressure, and the viscoelastic pressure will better reflect the volume-pressure relationships and end-- inspiratory pressure strain that are applied to the distal airspaces during mechanical ventilation (4, 5). The viscoelastic pressure is, in turn, composed of tissue viscance and the effects of time constant inequalities within the lung (6), which can lead to regional flow maldistribution.
When VT, PEEP, and inspiratory to expiratory ratio are constant compared with volume-controlled ventilation, pressure-controlled ventilation does not improve oxygenation or lower Pplat (7-9). In addition, when VT and total PEEP (PEEPtot) are constant, the inverse ratio ventilation at an inspiratory to expiratory ratio of 2:1 compared with 1:2 does not improve oxygenation or Pplat (7-10). However, the different inspiratory flow patterns and different inspiratory to expiratory ratios may alter the viscoelastic component of lung strain by altering the buildup of tissue resistance or the distribution of ventilation. Variation in the extent of nonlinear dynamic elastic volume-pressure behavior of the respiratory system will reflect the differences in viscoelastic strain between modes. To examine these issues, we used a volume-dependent single-compartment model to examine the extent of nonlinear dynamic volume-pressure relationships in 18 patients with ALT randomly receiving pressure-- controlled ventilation at an inspiratory to expiratory ratio of 1:2 and 2:1 (pressure-controlled inverse ratio ventilation) and volume-controlled ventilation at an inspiratory to expiratory ratio of 1:2 with PEEPtot, VT, and respiratory rate constant. To examine whether heterogeneity of regional ventilation contributed to differences in nonlinear volume-pressure behavior when these three modes of ventilation were applied, dynamic computerized axial tomography (CT) scans and dynamic volume-pressure relationships were examined in an additional five ALI patients.
The local ethics committee approval for the study was granted (#26/ 97 and #94/01), and written informed consent was obtained from the patient's next of kin. Inclusion criteria were ALl as defined by the American European Consensus Conference criteria (11) and mechanical ventilation. Exclusion criteria were late ALI (greater than 5 days from onset), hemodynamic instability, and anticipated intolerance of transient PEEP removal. Demographic data (sex, height, and weight), Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score, etiologic factors, baseline ventilator settings, as set by the attending clinician before this study, and lung injury score (12) were recorded at inclusion.
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Cyrus Edibam, Albert J. Rutten, Daniel V. Collins, and Andrew D. Bersten
Department of Critical Care Medicine, Flinders Medical Centre, Bedford Park, South Australia
(Received in original form December 21, 2000; accepted in final form November 12, 2002)
Supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council (grant #980451).
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Andrew D. Bersten, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Flinders Medical Centre, Bedford Park, South Australia, 5042. E-mail:
This article has an online supplement, which is accessible from this issue's table of contents online at
Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 167. pp 702-707, 2003
DOI: 10.1164/rccm.2012110
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