York Nutritional Laboratories has introduced to the United States a
simple, unique and revolutionary "YES/NO" test designed for
individuals suffering from chronic conditions or less than
satisfactory health. With 76-80% of the chronically ill population,
who have not responded successfully to conventional therapies, being
reported as suffering from medical conditions either caused or
aggravated by food intolerance, it anticipated that for many this
laboratory innovation will be the key to gaining optimal health.
The "foodSCAN" IgG ELISA Food Intolerance Indicator Test analyses a
tiny sample of blood by use of York Nutritional Laboratories'
proprietary "finger-stick" collection technology to see if food
intolerance exists and, therefore, whether it is likely or not that
one's ill-health could be related to food allergy.
Using a unique food allergy test kit, physicians and patients alike
simply prick the end of the finger to collect a tiny sample of blood
required for testing against a mix of the most common food allergens.
According to Martha Gonzalez, York Nutritional Laboratories'
Operations Manager, "The absorbent wand safely preserves the blood
until it reaches our laboratory, which is then tested to see if a
person is intolerant to foods their immune system has produced raised
levels of the Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody. The Enzyme-Linked
Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) method we utilize, which is well known
for its accuracy and reproducibility, measures these raised IgG
"An individual will receive one of two possible results from the
Indicator," states John Kernohan, Director of York Nutritional
Laboratories, Inc. "If the reported results are 'NO' IgG food
intolerance has been eliminated as a significant causes of symptoms.
If 'YES' it is recommended the individual look into ways of
identifying and eliminating the specific foods that are the cause of
their ill-health. The conventional method would be through trial and
error, eliminating foods and then reintroducing them to see if
reactions occur. However, this process can very time consuming,
expensive and often inaccurate. The laboratory analysis for food
intolerance, such as the 42-food and 113-food "foodSCAN" IgG ELISA
Food Intolerance Test is a convenient, reliable and quick method of
identifying one's individual and specific offending foods."
Information about the "foodSCAN" is available from York Nutritional
Laboratories, Inc. Please call John Kernohan at (888) 751-3388,
johnk@yorkallergyusa.com or visit www.yorkallergyusa.com on the
Internet for additional information.
-Founded in 1982, York Nutritional Laboratories has been a pioneer in
food intolerance testing and has carried out tens of thousands of
tests for patients throughout the world.
-York Nutritional Laboratories came to international attention a
number of years ago with its introduction of the "foodSCAN" IgG ELISA
Food Intolerance Test. The laboratory developed the simple
"finger-stick" kit that allows either a doctor or patient to take the
necessary blood sample from home or a medical office and safely send
the sample to the laboratory for analysis. The entire testing and
results procedure is easily performed through the mail.
-The analysis uses the proven IgG ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent
Assay) technique, which works by measuring levels of Immunoglobulin G
(IgG) antibodies in a person's blood. A detected increase in the IgG
antibody indicates a reaction to a particular food.
-Common conditions related to food intolerance include: ADD/ADHD,
arthritis, asthma, chronic fatigue, headaches (including migraine &
cluster headaches), fibromyalgia, hyperactivity, depression,
irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, sinusitis, middle-ear
disease, weight changes & obesity, hives and eczema.
-On January 22, 2001, the prestigious British Allergy Foundation
released the results of its audit of York Nutritional Laboratories'
IgG ELISA food allergy testing services. This same audit was
published in the August/September 2002 issue of the prestigious
medical journal, The Townsend Letter For Doctors And Patients.
According to Muriel Simmons, Chief Executive of the British Allergy
Foundation, "The evidence for this food intolerance test is simply
too strong to ignore."
-A panel of physicians and medical professionals assembled by The Wall
Street Journal reviewed 18 companies and their "at-home" test kits,
including York Nutritional Laboratories and its food "foodSCAN" IgG
ELISA Food Intolerance Test. This panel reported very favorably on
York Nutritional Laboratories and its food intolerance screening
COMMENTS: "Your test saved my life!" - Mary Beth Sotos
-"York Nutritional Laboratories; Uses the well-regarded ELISA test."
- The Wall Street Journal, Friday, October 26, 2001
-"I awoke for the first time in 10 years without a migraine!" - Mike
-"... over 70% reported that the benefits had been maintain..." - The
Townsend Letter For Doctors And Patients, August/September 2002
For further information about the "foodSCAN" or food intolerance
testing, contact John Kernohan. Tel: (888) 751-3388, Fax: (954)
920-3729, johnk@yorkallergyusa.com.