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Stickler syndrome

Stickler syndrome (or David-Stickler syndrome or Stickler-Wagner syndrome) is a group of inherited connective tissue disorders affecting collagen. It was first studied and characterised by Dr. G.B. Stickler in 1965. Stickler syndrome is a subtype of collagenopathy, types II and XI. Stickler syndrome is characterized by a distinctive facial appearance, eye abnormalities, hearing loss, and joint problems. more...

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Genetic changes are related to the following types of Stickler syndrome:

  • Stickler syndrome, COL11A1
  • Stickler syndrome, COL11A2
  • Stickler syndrome, COL2A1

Stickler syndrome is a subtype of collagenopathy, types II and XI.

Whether there are two or three types of Stickler syndrome is controversial. Each type is presented here according to the gene involved. The classification of these conditions is changing as researchers learn more about the genetic causes.


The syndrome is thought to arise from a mutation of several collagen genes during fetal development. It is a sex independent autosomal dominant trait meaning person with the syndrome has a 50% chance of passing it on to each child. There are three variants of Stickler syndrome, each associates with a collagen biosynthesis gene.


Individuals with Stickler syndrome experience a range of signs and symptoms. Some people have almost no signs and symptoms; others have all of the features described below. In addition, each feature of this syndrome may vary from subtle to severe.

A characteristic feature of Stickler syndrome is a somewhat flattened facial appearance. This is caused by underdeveloped bones in the middle of the face, including the cheekbones and the bridge of the nose. A particular group of physical features, called Robin sequence, is common in children with Stickler syndrome. Robin sequence includes a U-shaped cleft palate (an opening in the roof of the mouth) with a tongue that is too large for the space formed by the small lower jaw. Children with a cleft palate are also prone to frequent ear infections and swallowing difficulties.

Many people with Stickler syndrome are very nearsighted (described as having high myopia) because of the shape of the eye. People with eye involvement are prone to increased pressure within the eye (glaucoma) and tearing of the lining of the eye (retinal detachment). The jelly-like substance within the eye (the vitreous) has a distinctive appearance in the types of Stickler syndrome associated with the COL2A1 and COL11A1 genes. The type of Stickler syndrome associated with the COL11A2 gene does not affect the eye.

Another sign of Stickler syndrome is mild to severe hearing loss that, for some people, may be progressive. The joints of affected children and young adults may be very flexible (hypermobile). Arthritis often appears at an early age and worsens as a person gets older. Learning difficulties can also occur because of hearing and sight impairments.


Mutations in the COL11A1, COL11A2 and COL2A1 genes cause Stickler syndrome. These genes are involved in the production of type II and type XI collagen. Collagens are complex molecules that provide structure and strength to connective tissue (the tissue that supports the body's joints and organs). Mutations in any of these genes disrupt the production, processing, or assembly of type II or type XI collagen. Defective collagen molecules or reduced amounts of collagen affect the development of bones and other connective tissues, leading to the characteristic features of Stickler syndrome.


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PTs in the study of genetic disorders
From PT Magazine, 3/1/99 by Smith, Michaele R

In addition to their roles as health care providers and advocates for patients with genetic disorders, Prs have a vital role to play in the genetics research arena. Studies in genetics seek both a further understanding of the genetic component of disease and disability and to identify effective interventions for those disorders. Below, two PTs who are involved in researching genetic disorders provide a look at some past and current studies.

Intramural Research at NIH

Genetic errors are responsible for an estimated 4,000 hereditary diseases.1 Often classified as "orphan diseases," these diseases typically receive little attention from privately funded investigators in the biomedical field. As a result, little is known about these diseases or how best to treat them.

To address this problem, the National Center for Human Genome Research was established by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Energy with the primary goal of identifying genes responsible for rare and common hereditary disorders. The Human Genome Project, which began with a plan to decode and map human genes, has been revised and expanded to explain the role of genes in health and disease.

The Division of Intramural Research of the National Center for Human Genome Research was established in February 1993 to apply genome research to the study of inherited disorders through clinical trials carried out at the NIH Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center. In 1995, the National Center for Human Genome Research became the National Human Genome Research Institute. The Physical Therapy Section of the Rehabilitation Medicine Department at the Clinical Center provides therapeutic services to patients in clinical trials, including patient populations with rare disorders. PTs see patients both to address clinical needs and to collect data for research protocols. Physical therapy research is carried out either independently, collaboratively or through agreements with the private sector. (For more on the PTs in the intramural research program at NIH, see "A Foot in Both Worlds," in the September 1998 7.)

In 1997, the National Human Genome Research Institute initiated two research studies that involve PTs as integral members of the clinical research team. One study is to investigate skeletal dysplasias, which are heritable disorders of the skeleton that result from defects in bone and cartilage formation. The purpose of the study is to determine the natural history of the diseases and the relationship between genotypes and phenotypes. Investigators hope to generate a comprehensive description of skeletal dysplasia in regard to the pathophysiology, course of disease, impairments, disabilities, and other issues. Such an understanding might provide the basis for additional research funding to study other rare disorders.

As part of that study, researchers also are investigating type II collagen disorders such as Stickler syndrome (hereditary ophthalmopathy). Onset of the disease typically is within 10 days of birth; however, some patients seen in conjunction with this study were diagnosed through genetic testing in adulthood after the birth of their own children with the disorder. Other onsets have been documented after orthopedic injuries or during competitive sports or were initially misdiagnosed as simple arthralgia. The variability in the onset of diagnosis is largely dependent on the phenotype of the individual.2,3

The other study, the Heritable Connective Tissue Disorders protocol, was initiated to study clinical and molecular genetic defects of heritable connective tissue disorders. Currently, PTs provide therapeutic intervention for these subjects. In addition, a pilot study investigating specific musculoskeletal deficits may develop as an outcome of physical therapy questions generated from the research project. The current protocol includes individuals with contractural arachnodactyly, Marfan, and Stickler syndromes, and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, the primary diagnosis of this protocol's subject group. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is an inherited connective tissue disorder for which the specific gene defect has not been found.1,3,4

Studies currently underway at NIH provide PTs with challenging clinical populations and are generating a series of research questions. Eventually, such information may benefit rehabilitation professions on a national and international scale. Currently, these patients require careful differential diagnosis and innovative treatment planning, as there are few evidence-based practice guidelines for therapists to use as references. Through careful observation and documentation, NIH therapists are obtaining critical preliminary findings to support future therapeutic treatment of these patients.


1 The Human Genome Project: From Maps to Medicine. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Senices; 1996. DHHS/PHS Publication No. 96-3897.

2 Jones K Smith's Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation. Philadelphia, Pa: WB Saunders; 1997.

3 Schumacher H, Kuppel JH, Koopman WJ, et al. Primer in Rheumatic Diseases, Tenth Edition. Atlanta, Ga: Arthritis Foundation; 1993: 249-251.

4 Kelley WN. Textbook of Internal Medicine. Philadelphia, Pa: JB Lippincott; 1989.

For further information about the National Center for Human Genome Research or the Physical Therapy Section of the Rehabilitation Medicine Department at NIH's Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center visit the Web sites at and

LCDR Michaele R Smith, PT; is a commissioned officer in the Office of Public Health and Science (formerly known as the US Public Health Service) and currently is the education coordinator of undergraduate, graduate, and volunteer students in the Physical Therapy Section of the Rehabilitation Medicine Department at the Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center, NIH.

Copyright American Physical Therapy Association Mar 1999
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