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Systemic carnitine deficiency

Primary carnitine deficiency is a condition that prevents the body from using fats for energy, particularly during periods without food. Carnitine, a natural substance acquired mostly through diet, is used by cells to process fats and produce energy. People with primary carnitine deficiency have defective proteins called carnitine transporters, which bring carnitine into cells and prevent its escape from the body. more...

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Systemic carnitine...
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Typically, initial signs and symptoms of this disorder occur during infancy or early childhood and often include brain function abnormalities (encephalopathy); an enlarged, poorly pumping heart (cardiomyopathy); confusion; vomiting; muscle weakness; and low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Serious complications such as heart failure, liver problems, coma, and sudden unexpected death are also a risk. Acute illness due to primary carnitine deficiency can be triggered by periods of fasting or illnesses such as viral infections, particularly when eating is reduced.

This condition is sometimes mistaken for Reye syndrome, a severe disorder that develops in children while they appear to be recovering from viral infections such as chicken pox or flu. Most cases of Reye syndrome are associated with the use of aspirin during these viral infections.

Primary carnitine deficiency affects 1 in every 40,000 live births in Japan and 1 in every 37,000 to 100,000 newborns in Australia. The incidence of this condition in other populations is unknown, but is probably similar to that reported for Japan.

Mutations in the SLC22A5 gene lead to the production of defective carnitine transporters. As a result of reduced transport function, carnitine is lost from the body and cells are not supplied with an adequate amount of carnitine. Without carnitine, fats cannot be processed correctly and are not converted into energy, which can lead to characteristic signs and symptoms of this disorder. This condition is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern.

The current understanding of primary carnitine deficiency has been greatly influenced by the research of Doctors Susan C. Winter and Neil Buist. Dr. Winter was one of the first doctors in the United States to begin treating inborn errors of metabolism with intravenous carnitine.

This article incorporates public domain text from The U.S. National Library of Medicine


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Total parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease
From JPEN: Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 9/1/02 by Buchman, Alan


Although the components of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) had been used since the 1940s and 1950s, in the late 1960s, Stanley Dudrick, MD, devised what we now know as TPN.1 It was shortly thereafter that the first case of TPN-associated liver disease was reported.2 This infant developed severe cholestasis. Since that time, increased serum hepatic aminotransferase concentrations have been commonly observed within the first 2 to 3 weeks or so of TPN infusion in upwards of two-thirds of patients.3 Typically, this is a transient increase without significant elevation in serum bilirubin, at least in the adult patient. The serum bilirubin concentration often becomes elevated in children, particularly the preterm infant. It is important to recognize, however, that serum hepatic aminotransferase concentration elevations are both insensitive and nonspecific indicators of hepatic dysfunction.4 In fact, it is not uncommon for a patient to have cirrhosis in the face of normal serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) concentrations. When patients are followed a longer period of time while receiving TPN, total serum bilirubin concentration tends to increase slightly, but more importantly, the AST often increases significantly beginning after approximately 10 weeks.5 The alkaline phosphatase often increases as well, although some of this increase may relate to the development of concomitant metabolic bone disease. In a study of over 40 long-term TPN patients, some of which had received TPN for up to 16 years at the time of the study in 1991, a significant correlation between TPN duration and the serum alkaline phosphatase observed, although TPN duration and both AST and ALT were not correlated.6

While it is recognized that liver test abnormalities occur during TPN, the question is whether TPN is associated with chronic liver disease. Given that the first case of TPN-associated liver disease was described in a young child, it comes as no surprise the first case of TPN-associated hepatic failure was described in an infant.7 The only case in which the progression of liver disease from steatosis to fibrosis and cirrhosis was monitored by sequential liver biopsies was reported by Robert Craig, MD, from Northwestern in 1980.8 His patient had Crohn's disease and required TPN because of short bowel syndrome. After approximately 11 months of TPN, the patient's liver tests became slightly elevated, and a liver biopsy revealed mild steatosis. Eight months later another biopsy showed progressive steatosis, and a third biopsy 30 months later revealed fibrosis. A final biopsy was performed about 61 months later, and micronodular cirrhosis was found. The patient did not succumb to liver failure however; he had an unrelated myocardial infarction. Investigations have revealed that hepatic steatosis may progress to fibrosis in humans in part related to increased lipid peroxidation.9

The predominant histologic finding in adults with TPN-associated liver disease is steatosis, although signs of cholestasis are usually evident as well.10 Both macro- and microvesicular steatosis are present (Table I). This histologic presentation occurs only in patients with TPN-associated liver disease, acute fatty liver of pregnancy, tetracycline and valproic acid toxicity, and Jamaican vomiting sickness.

Several reported series of patients who developed TPN-associated liver disease, including hepatic failure, have been reported.11-13 Stanco et al13 found the patients with the shortest residual intestine were at the greatest risk to develop eventual liver failure and death. This suggests the degree of malabsorption or the level of TPN dependence are the likely causes of TPN-- associated liver disease.

In France, significant numbers of long-term TPN patients with chronic cholestasis (defined as elevations in ALT, AST, or alkaline phosphatase to > 1.5 times the upper limits of normal for more than 6 months) have been identified when TPN was continued >2 years.14 An even more striking increase in prevalence of TPN-- associated liver disease was observed in patients who had received TPN for at least 4 to 6 years. The investigators also found an increase in the prevalence of complicated liver disease (defined as evidence of portal hypertension, portal fibrosis, or cirrhosis on biopsy, elevation in the serum total bilirubin concentration to >3.5 mg/dL, or hepatic encephalopathy) in patients who had received TPN, and after 8 years, over 40% of their patients had developed complicated liver disease. Other large centers in the United States have not generally observed such a high percentage of patients with clinically significant chronic liver disease, although TPN-associated liver disease has been observed with increasing frequency in all major American home TPN centers. For example, Chan et al15 indicated that approximately 20% of their home TPN patients developed chronic liver disease. The prevalence has increased over time.

In infants, unlike in the adult, the predominant histologic abnormality in the liver is cholestasis, although both micro- and macrovesicular steatosis are generally present.10 The prevalence of TPN-associated liver disease in infants is much greater than in the adult population. Sondheimer et al16 reported that approximately 65% of their infants developed cholestasis and 13% developed hepatic failure after only 6 weeks of TPN. The reported prevalence of TPN-associated cholestasis in the infant is quite variable, with reports ranging from 15% to 85%, depending on the center. The risk of TPN-associated cholestasis in these patients is also related to their prematurity and immature enterohepatic circulation, underlying disease, number of infections, number of surgeries, and number of blood transfusions.17 The question is whether the cholestasis-predominant liver disease seen in the infant (especially the preterm infant) is simply a more severe manifestation of the underlying pathologic process also observed in the adult TPN patients, or whether the cholestasis is a result of a different underlying pathophysiology. The histologic findings in rabbits overfed with IV dextrose were predominately hepatic cholestasis, in association with hyperbilirubinemia.18 Given that overfeeding in the adult human is associated with hepatic steatosis, this study suggests a similar underlying process may result in different hepatic pathology.


There are many postulated etiologies for TPN-associated liver disease, although data in humans is scarce or nonexistent for many. If one accepts the observation that TPN is associated with development of chronic liver disease, then the question becomes whether TPN causes the liver disease, or whether the disease for which TPN is indicated (such as malabsorption) is the true cause. TPN-related causes can be divided into those in which a nutrient toxicity may develop and those in which a nutrient deficiency may develop (Table II). Two studies, one from France and the other from the United States, have shown that patients with the shortest residual intestine are at greatest risk for the development of liver disease,10,14 This suggests perhaps that the more significant the malabsorption of an hepatic-trophic nutrient, the worse the liver disease. However, it might be equally argued that such patients are the most TPN dependent; and if there is an hepatotoxic substance in TPN, those who receive more of it are at greatest risk for development of liver disease.


Kwashiokor (protein malnutrition) is associated with the development of hepatic steatosis because of decreased very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) synthesis. 19

Essential fatty acid deficiency occurred before the advent of lipid emulsions and still occurs in patients who do not receive at least 2% to 4% of their total calories as linoleic fatty acid (4% to 8% of calories from the lipid emulsion that is typically 50% linoleic acid). Hepatic steatosis may develop otherwise.20

Carnitine deficiency had been postulated to occur during long-term TPN on the basis of depressed plasma total and free carnitine concentrations. Hepatic steatosis occurs in congenital carnitine and true acquired carnitine deficiency.21 Plasma carnitine concentrations do decrease to about 50% of normal within a few weeks of beginning TPN, but do not decrease further.22,23 Typically, carnitine concentrations approaching 10% of normal are necessary before sequela of carnitine deficiency develops.21 In addition, Bowyer et al24 showed eloquently that plasma carnitine concentration did not correlate with hepatic aminotransferase abnormalities, and carnitine supplementation did not lead to either a decrease in the serum hepatic amino transferase concentrations or in the degree of hepatic steatosis during TPN.25

Low plasma-free choline concentration is found in over 90% of patients that need long-term parenteral nutrition.6 Studies in the rat have indicated that impaired VLDL synthesis and secretion occur in the face of choline deficiency, and hepatic steatosis results. Studies in humans have found a significant association between plasma free choline concentration, hepatic aminotransferase abnormalities, and hepatic steatosis. Initial human trials have demonstrated that hepatic steatosis resolves and hepatic aminotransferase abnormalities improve with choline supplementation.26-28

Why does choline deficiency occur in patients who need TPN? This represents a very interesting example of the difference between absorption of nutrients through the gastrointestinal tract versus the same nutrient when IV infused. Normally, when humans eat, food is taken in through the mouth and into the stomach through the esophagus. Digestion has already begun. Ligual lipase and salivary amylase are already being used to digest fat and carbohydrate, respectively. Epidermal growth hormone (EGF) release is stimulated from the esophagus.29 Food passes through the stomach where various peptidases, gastric acids, and mechanical contractions continue to degrade the food into more easily assimilated particles. Peptides and other molecules are then absorbed through the portal circulation and are transported to the liver for metabolism. After undergoing first pass metabolism, the nutrient remnants are transported to the systemic circulation through the right side of the heart circulation, and finally to the kidney, where some nutrients are reabsorbed and other metabolic products are excreted as waste. When the same nutrient is infused through a central vein, it is first transported to the heart and later to the liver. This route of nutrient assimilation may affect the metabolism of that nutrient and the resultant metabolic products. For example, Steginck and Besten30 showed that when the amino acid methionine (a precursor for choline) is infused IV, cysteine, a product of the hepatic transsulfuration pathway, was nearly undetectable in plasma in normal volunteers. When methionine was infused through a nasogastric tube, there was a small, but nonsignificant, decrease in the plasma cysteine concentration. When the methionine was consumed as part of a meal, plasma cysteine concentration was unchanged from baseline. Similarly, despite the infusion of methinione in TPN, plasma-free choline concentration remains significantly below normal in most patients who need TPN.

Although choline is ubiquitous in nature, patients who need TPN because of malabsorption, either from insufficient bowel or dysfunctional bowel, will malabsorb choline just as with other nutrients. However, unlike those who absorb their nutrients through the portal circulation, patients who receive TPN cannot metabolize methionine effectively through the transulfuration pathway, and choline deficiency develops.31 Potentially, even patients who receive chronic nasoenteric feeding might need additional choline because of the bypass of the orocephalic phase of digestion,31 although the role of this phase of digestion in choline metabolism is not known. There is some choline present in lipid emulsion, and indeed that seems to be a factor in why patients who do receive some lipid emulsion have less abnormal hepatic amino transferase concentrations.32 However, there is relatively little free choline in lipid emulsion.6

Vitamin E deficiency has been suggested as a potential cause for TPN-associated liver disease, especially because vitamin E might mitigate lipid peroxidation and therefore prevent the progression of steatosis to fibrosis. Therefore, it might be expected that during vitamin deficiency, increased hepatic fibrosis might develop. However, there is no evidence that vitamin E deficiency leads to liver disease regardless of whether patients receive TPN or not.33 Selenium's functions are closely related to vitamin E. Decreased plasma selenium concentration has been described in patients with cirrhosis, but selenium deficiency has not been documented.34 Furthermore, there is no evidence that decreased selenium status plays any role in the development of cirrhosis or TPN-associated liver disease.

Plasma glutamine concentration decreases during TPN, and in rats, this has been associated with the development of hepatic steatosis35 and supplementation increases the portal glucagon:insulin ratio,36 leading to decreased steatosis.35 However, this has not been found in all studies37 and has not been studied in humans. In fact, glutamine-supplemented TPN led to significantly increased hepatic aminotransferase concentrations in one study in humans.38

Neonatal TPN is now routinely supplemented with taurine, which increases bile acid secretion.39 Taurine supplementation may result in a decrease in the incidence of TPN-associated cholestasis,40 although this has not been found universally.41 In guinea pigs, oral taurine supplementation increases bile flow and the taurine:glycine ratio of conjugated bile acids and prevents the decrease in bile flow induced by lithocholic acid.42 However, IV taurine supplementation has not been studied in this fashion nor has it been studied in humans. It is entirely possible the decrease in the incidence of TPN-associated liver disease in the neonate may be more related to improvements in overall critical care, including both medical (improved antibiotics for sepsis, improved treatment of hypoxia and hypotension, and the use of early enteral feeding) and surgical therapy.43


Lipid overload (>2.5 to 3.0 g/kg per day) may result in the development of cholestasis.44,45 Retrospective studies have indicated that infusion of lipid emulsion at a dose of >1 g/kg per day may be associated with increased risk of hepatic dysfunction.14,15

Phytosterols are present in significant quantities in lipid emulsion, and the concentrations of these plant sterols are increased in patients who receive TPN.46 However, no correlation with hepatic abnormalities has been demonstrated in humans.

Dextrose overfeeding (>50 kcal/kg per day) has been associated with biochemical evidence of hepatic abnormalities.47 This may relate in art to an increase in the portal insulin:glucagon ratio.48,49

It has been postulated that bacterial overgrowth may contribute to the development of TPN-associated liver disease, predominately steatosis, by increasing intestinal permeability to bacteria, bacterial products, and endotoxin. Studies in rat models have suggested a role for antimicrobial therapy in the treatment of TPN-- associated hepatic steatosis.50,51 However, bacterial translocation does not seem to result in hepatic injury in humans.52 Low-grade endotoxinemia in rat models is not associated with significant hepatic derangements,53 although infusion of lipopolysaccharide during TPN has been associated with the development of hepatic steatosis.54 However, as with bacterial translocation, hepatic dysfunction as a direct result of endotoxinemia has not been conclusively demonstrated in humans. In addition, the formation of lithocholic acid, a secondary bile acid formed by bacterial 7-alpha dehydroxylation of chenodeoxycholic acid, is presumed to have potentially toxic effects on the liver, especially in the neonate, resulting in the development of cholestasis. However, it seems that the neonatal animal is actually more resistant to the effects of lithocholic acid-induced cholestasis than the adult.55 In any case, there is no evidence that lithocholic acid plays any role in the development of TPN-associated hepatic dysfunction in humans.

Manganese toxicity, including hepatic dysfunction, has been described in TPN-dependent patients.56 However, because virtually all manganese is excreted in the bile,57 it is likely the elevated serum concentrations observed were caused by decreased excretion related to cholestasis, rather than the cause for the cholestasis.

Until 1985, the amino acid component of TPN solutions was derived from casein hydrolysate. This solution had significant aluminum contamination. Animal studies have revealed that significant aluminum contamination may lead to the development of cholestasis,58,59 although the level of aluminum infused in these animals was substantially greater than what humans received. Although aluminum contamination is still present in some of the potassium, phosphate, sodium, and calcium components of TPN, the overall degree of aluminum contamination is less than 2% of pre-1985 levels,60 and therefore cannot be considered a factor in the development of TPN-associated liver disease today.


Carbohydrate overfeeding and excessive use of lipid emulsion should be avoided. Otherwise, there are few existing options for either prevention or therapy of TPN-associated liver disease (Table III and IV).

Metronidazole has been used to treat TPN-associated liver disease in humans. Capron et al61 used a dose of 500 mg two times per day versus nothing in a group of Crohn's disease patients that were being treated for active disease. It is unclear to what degree the active Crohn's disease caused liver abnormalities in the patients, and both patient groups were significantly overfed. Nevertheless, ALT, although still significantly abnormal, decreased significantly more with metronidazole after 30 days of treatment. Another study, although retrospective, reported that AST did not increase with metronidazole (1500 mg daily), and the serum alkaline phosphatase increased less than in those patients in whom the medication was not used.62

Ursodeoxycholic acid has been used for the treatment of TPN-associated cholestasis in both adults and neonates. The scientific literature in adults is limited to a single case report63 and a case series of 9 patients.64 In children, there have been two unblinded, open-labeled studies and one retrospective review reported.65-67 Cocjin et al,65 in a preliminary, open-- labeled study in neonates, observed a significant decrease in serum total bilirubin concentration when neonates were provided with 15 to 45 mg/kg per day of ursodeoxycholic acid, although the neonates still remained severely cholestatic.

Choline has been used in three studies to treat TPN-- associated liver disease. The first study used oral lecithin. Although a statistically significant decrease in hepatic steatosis was observed, patients still remained with liver disease.26 A second study, using IV choline chloride-supplemented TPN (2 g/d, which is about 1.2 g/d of choline) led to complete resolution of liver disease in an unblinded study.27 The third study, randomized and placebo-controlled, showed resolution of hepatic steatosis in choline-treated patients and significant declines in serum hepatic aminotransferase concentrations when compared with placebo.28 Steatosis returned after 10 weeks of choline-free TPN. This observation is in agreement with Clark et al,5 who described a significant rise in hepatic aminotransferase concentrations after 10 weeks of TPN. These findings demonstrate that choline is a required nutrient for TPN-dependent patients.

A multicenter study in the United States and England used to evaluate the use of choline-supplemented TPN to prevent liver disease in patients just starting TPN began in late 2001. Inclusion/exclusion criteria for this study can be found at It is anticipated that a clinical trial involving the use of choline-- supplemented TPN to treat preexistent TPN-associated liver disease will be underway in late 2002 at the same centers.

Isolated intestinal and liver/small bowel transplantation may be the only possibility for patients with significant and progressive liver disease. Isolated intestinal transplantation may be successful in patients who do not yet have evidence of fibrosis or cirrhosis on liver biopsy,68 although the potential benefits of transplantation must be weighed carefully against the potential risks in such patients. Discussion of intestinal and combined intestinal/liver transplantation is the focus of another presentation.


The etiology of TPN-associated liver disease is multifactoral. It is fairly common in its milder form and in some instances can progress to cirrhosis and liver failure. There are therapeutic maneuvers that can be done that may minimize its occurrence. Consideration should be given to enrolling patients in investigational studies until the exact etiology of TPN-associated liver disease is better understood. For those patients who develop severe liver dysfunction/failure, liver/small bowel transplantation offers hope for survival.


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Alan Buchman, MD, MDPH

From the Department of Gastoenterology and Hepatology, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, Illinois

Correspondence and reprint requests: Alan Buchman, MD, MSPH, Northwestern University Medical School, 676 North St Clair Street, Ste 880, Chicago, IL 60611. Electronic mail may be sent to

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