Corporate description
CyDex, Inc., focuses on developing and commercializing innovative drug formulation and delivery technologies designed to enable or enhance the effectiveness of existing or developmental drugs. Our lead technology is CAPTISOL[R], a patented cyclodextrin molecule that significantly improves the solubility and stability of drugs.
CyDex solves one of the most critical formulation problems faced by essentially all pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies: solubility. More than 200 pharma and biotech firms have evaluation agreements for CyDex solubilization drug delivery technologies. CyDex has license agreements with the following partners: Pfizer, Bristol-Myers Squibb, PTC Pharma AG, Allergan, OSI Pharmaceuticals, Suntory, Taisho, and Teva Pharmaceuticals.
Major products
CAPTISOL is CyDex's core technology. It enables the safe, effective delivery of medications by improving the solubility, stability, and bioavailability of drug corn pounds. CAPTISOL works by forming complexes with water-insoluble drugs, making them water-soluble. In oral formulations, CAPTISOL can improve bioavailability by improving the solubility and dissolution of drug compounds. When given by injection, a Captisol-Enabled[R] formulation helps carry a drug into the patient's bloodstream where CAPTISOL and the drug dissociate, allowing the active ingredient to produce its desired pharmacological effect.
CyDex is internally developing proprietary Captisol-Enabled formulations of drugs that are off patent or will soon go off patent, adding value through superior safety, efficacy, or convenience. CyDex is in the process of partnering three of these: Captisol-Enabled propofol, Captisol-Enabled fosphenytoin, and Captisol-Enabled amiodarone.
Two Captisol-Enabled products are approved. The intravenous form of voriconazole (Vfend[R]), Pfizer's new antifungal was approved in the United States and Europe in 2002. The first intramuscular atypical antipsychotic, ziprasidone for injection, was also approved in the United States with the trademark Geodon[R] and in Europe with the trademark Zeldox[R] in 2002. Learn more at
CyDex, Inc.
12980 Metcalf Ave., Suite 470
Overland Park, KS 66213
Circle/eINF0 55
COPYRIGHT 2003 Advanstar Communications, Inc.
COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group