The authors report on a new case of human Bertiellosis in a 2-year old female patient who was born in Goiania-Goias (Brazil) and has had history of permanent dwelling in an area frequently visited by simians in Mato Grosso (Brazil). At the time of diagnosis the patient showed inappetence, abdominal pain, and loss of weight. Eggs and proglottids were found in her stool and were identified as Bertiella sp. The objective of this report is to register the third case of human Bertiellosis in Brazil, characterizing one more case of helminthic zoonosis.
KEYWORDS: Anoplocephalidae; Bertiella; Human Berliellosis; Zoonosis.
The Anoplocophalidae family includes heterotoxenic cestodes that use mites as intermediate hosts. In their adult phase, these cestodes are parasites of reptiles, birds, and mammals. The subfamily Anoplocephalinae comprises all Anoplocephalidae transmitted by oribatid mites, including the genus Bertiella,2,9,16,17,19,21
Cestodes of the genus Bertiella have been reported as parasites in marsupials, rodents, dermopterans, and primates in Asia, Africa, Australia, Oceania, and the Americas2,5,12,15,16,17,21. The species B. studeri and B. mucronata in the genus Bertiella can infect humans. Human Bertiellosis caused by B. studeri was first detected by BLANCHARD (1913)6 in a 8-year old female patient from Mauritius Island. On the other hand, CRAM (1928)10 registered the first case of B. mucronata infection in a young patient from Cuba. Both species are very similar and they require a specialist to discriminate between them24. Since the initial records, several cases of human Bertiellosis have been reported in the literature, with findings in Latin America, including case reports of B. mucronata infection in Cuba, Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay1,9,10,11,16,18,20,21 and B. studeri infection in the United States27. Moreover, CRAM (1928)10 and CAMERON (1929)7 considered human Bertiellosis endemic in the West Indies. Both authors declared their lack of knowledge about the mode and time of introduction of Bertiellosis in that region. DENEGRI & PEREZ-SERRANO (1997)16 carried out a comprehensive review of all human cases of Bertiellosis reported in the literature, describing a higher prevalence of human infection caused by B. studeri when compared to B. mucronata. The authors also emphasized the increased potential of this helminthic zoonosis16.
In order to complete its life cycle, the genus Bertiella requires a definitive host, generally a mammal, as well as an intermediate host, an oribatid mite which is an important component of the soil fauna13,15,16,21,24. Accidental ingestion of the intermediate host infected with cysticercoids becomes the way of contamination for the vertebrate host14,15,24.
In Brazil, the first human case of parasitism by B. mucronata was described by PESSOA (1930)21 in a 29 year-old patient from Sao Paulo and a second report on human infection was described by COSTA et al. (1967)9 in a patient from Formiga (Minas Gerais)9,11. The main objective of this article is to report on a third case of human parasitism by Bertiella sp. (Cestoda - Anoplocephalidae) in Brazil.
The present report refers to a 2-year old female patient born in the city of Goiania state of Goias but who has also lived in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil in a rural area known to be inhabited by simians. The patient's mother reported that "maggots" were being spontaneously eliminated by the child in the intervals between evacuation. The child exhibited abdominal pain, inappetence, vomiting and weight loss. She was not hospitalized and after parasitological diagnosis follow up was not possible because the patient has not returned to the University.
Fecal samples were evaluated by the following methods: spontaneous sedimentation, Faust and colleagues, Baermann-Moraes and sieving. Eggs and proglottids were collected from fresh feces from the patient. Forty eggs were measured using the micrometrical ocular technique. After sieving, proglottids were fixed by compression in cold 10% formaldehyde solution and subsequently stained with Blachin carmine.
Eggs were typical, measuring approximately 40 [mu]m (39 [mu]m - 41 [mu]m) of diameter, containing one rugged embryonic membrane and a bifurcated pyriform apparatus at its center (Fig. 1 and 2). Proglottids were released attached to each other, in variable numbers. The mature proglottids were much broader than long containing numerous testes, genital pores irregularly alternated and vagina surrounded by well developed cylindrical cells.
The genus Bertiella (Stiless and Hassal, 1902) is characterized by medium-sized forms with well-marked segmentation, a short neck, irregularly alternated genital pores and one set of genitalia per segment. Other characteristics include numerous testes scattered in the proglottid's parenchyma, cirrus pouch well developed, with an internal seminal vesicle. The vagina is surrounded by a layer of glandular cells and gravid uterus presented as a transverse tube filled with eggs with well-developed pyriform apparatus28,29. CHANDLER (1925)8 recognized six human-infecting species while CRAM (1928)10 considered three species able to infect humans and nineteen, occurring in other mammals28. BAER (1927)4 classified the genus Bertiella into two species occurring in primates, B. studeri in the Eastern Hemisphere and B. mucronata in the Western Hemisphere. The other species, he regarded as synonymous of B. studeri whose range of primate hosts included Homo sapiens, Simia satyrus, Anthropithecus troglodytes, Hylobates hoolock, Cercopithecus pygerythhraeus, Cercopithecus schmidti, Cynomolgus sinicus and Cynomolgus fascicularis28,29.
The cases of human parasitism by Bertiella are frequently accidental and are generally associated with common dwelling areas for humans and monkeys. Despite the reduced number of reported cases, approximately 56, recent reports have demonstrated an increase in both human and non- human primate infections1,3,6,7,9,16,24,27.
Bertiella diagnosis is made through the presence of eggs and proglottids in patient's feces. Proglottids can also be spontaneously released and, in these cases, adequate identification requires skilled professionals and is fundamental for the diagnosis12,16,21,24,26
Oribatid mites are the intermediate hosts and are natural components of the soil fauna. Therefore, their worldwide geographic distribution makes prophylactic attempts difficult16,21,24. POPE (1966)22 and SANTA CRUZ et al. (1995)23 emphasized the remarkable increase of B. mucronata infected monkeys in Argentina, reaching 420% higher rates in the last years22,23,25. Although this helminthic zoonosis is endemic in countries such as West Indies, low prevalence numbers are found in Brazil. Cebus apella is a common simian species in Central West Brazil but there are no reports of Bertiella species infecting these primates in the state of Goias.
We report the third case of human bertiellosis in Brazil and the first in the state of Goias. Drugs used in the treatment for cestoda, such as quinacrine, niclosamide, praziquantel and albendazole have been prescribed to treat the human bertiellosis. The helminth is not well adapted to the human species and intense weight loss is an important clinical sign of the infection21. Information about therapy regimen implemented, parasitological cure and current patient clinical status could not be obtained because, after diagnosis, the patient and her parents have not returned to our laboratory at the University.
Parasitismo humano por Bertiella sp. (Cestoda-Anoplocephalidae) no Estado de Goias, Brasil
Relata-se e encontro de um novo caso de bertiellose humana em paciente do sexo feminino, 2 anos, natural de Goiania, Estado de Goias com historioe de permanencia em area frequentada por simios no Estado de Mato Grosso. A paciente apresentava inapetencia, dores abdominais, emagrecimento e eliminava nas fezes ovos e proglotes que foram identificados como Bertiella sp. O objetivo do presente trabalho e registrar o encontro do terceiro caso de parasitismo humano por Bertiella sp. (Cestoda-Anoplocephalidae) no Brasil, caracterizando mais um caso de zoonose helmintica.
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2. AFRICA, C.M. & GARCIA, E. Y. - The occurrence of Bertiella in man, monkey and dog in the Philippines. Philipp. J. Sci., 56: 1-11, 1935.
3. BACIGALUPO, J. - Primer caso humano de Bertiella sp. en Sud America. Rev. Soc. mex. Hist. nat., 10: 177-183, 1949.
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Received: 4 December 2001
Accepted: 16 April 2003
Correspondence to: Julieta Machado Pacoo, Instituto de Medicina Tropical e Saude Publica of Federal University of Goias. Rua Delenda Rezendo de Melo s/n, esq. com 1^sup a^ Avenida. Setor Universitario, 74605-050 Goiania, Goias, Brazil. Phone/Fax: (62) 202-3066. E-mail:
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