PURPOSE: Gemifloxacin is a potent new fluoroquinolone with excellent activity against community--acquired pneumonia (CAP)pathogens.
METHODS: Pooled data from 5 phase III CAP gemifloxacin clinical trials were evaluated. Patients were grouped based on cardio-pulmonary disease and medical history (CPD). Clinical response (success or failure) at end of therapy (EOT) & at follow-up (FU, approx. 1-3 weeks after treatment) was studied. Main comparators for CPD patients were cefuroxime & clarithromycin (97 patients), trovafloxacin (66 patients) & amoxicillin-clavulanate (55 patients).
RESULTS: Percent success is shown in the table (* includes all 3 CPD groups in table plus patients with a medical history of angina, pulmonary art disease, cardiomyopathy, cardiac murmurs, tachycardia or myocardial infarction).
CONCLUSION: Although in general, gemifloxacin showed slightly lower success than pooled comparators against CAP patients gemifloxacin showed higher success rates than comparator against CPD patients. This difference was greater at FU than at EOT.
CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: These data support the use of gemifloxacin in the treatment of CAP, especially where the patient has a history of CPD.
DISCLOSURE: GS Tillotson, Grant monies (from industry related sources) Oscient; Shareholder Oscient; Employee Oscient; Consultant fee, speaker bureau, advisory committee, etc. Oscient.
I. Morrisey MD T.M. File Jr. MD LA. Mandell MD G.S. Tillotson MS * Oscient, Waltham, MA
COPYRIGHT 2005 American College of Chest Physicians
COPYRIGHT 2005 Gale Group